
Francis Admits That He Is "One Step Away From Heresy"

During his March 8 in-flight press conference, Francis said that the faithful don't understand his focus on "human fraternity" and "inter-religious dialogue" [because today's Church has more urgent problems].

“There are criticisms that the pope is unconsciously taking steps against Catholic doctrine and only one step away from heresy” because we need to move "forward" with other religions, Francis explained. He couldn't explain how "steps against Catholic doctrine" could possibly lead "forward." Instead he bragged that he "wasn't afraid" to be called a heretic for engaging in dialogue with Muslims.

Francis takes “risks” because inter-religious dialogue is “necessary,” he explained. The strange thing: Dialogue-Francis doesn't bother to "dialogue" with his own cardinals whom he didn't call for consultations for the past seven (!) years.

Nevertheless, for him his choices are "not capricious" and correspond to the path set forth by Vatican II. However, while it can be taken for granted that Vatican II was bad, it wasn't as bad as to merit to be turned into a universal justification for every aberration the popes have since inflicted upon the Church.

Asked about a possible trip to Argentina - where Francis is known and therefore not loved - he jokingly noted that he had been living there for 76 years, and that this should be enough.

About the destruction of Mosul which was caused by US bombings, he said, "I do not have words. It cannot be believed."


If The Pope does so, then he's merely doing what both his predecessors did before him @la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
The problem is that Bergoglio uses dialogue not to achieve the conversion of Muslims but to openly promote the heresy of religious indifferentism that even Vatican II classified in Gaudium et spes as "one of the most radical forms of atheism." And Jorge openly violates the First Commandment by equating the false god Ala with the biblical God and instead of calling the Muslims to convert and be saved …More
The problem is that Bergoglio uses dialogue not to achieve the conversion of Muslims but to openly promote the heresy of religious indifferentism that even Vatican II classified in Gaudium et spes as "one of the most radical forms of atheism." And Jorge openly violates the First Commandment by equating the false god Ala with the biblical God and instead of calling the Muslims to convert and be saved, he confirms them in their obstinacy to reject the only way of Salvation.
LOL. He been preaching heresy for a long time
Francis is not interested in heresy, only in climate change and tenderness.
...also wealth inequality and, judging by that ever-growing waistline, empanadas.
Fantastic cartoon!