
Cardinal Müller Criticises Francis' Magisterium of Private Opinions

A Pope [= Francis] as a private person also has rough edges, limits and obsessions, Cardinal Müller told Kath.net (5 December). He criticised the fact that Francis' private opinions on issues such as …More
A Pope [= Francis] as a private person also has rough edges, limits and obsessions, Cardinal Müller told Kath.net (5 December).
He criticised the fact that Francis' private opinions on issues such as Covid and climate hysteria are given the status of a "new revealed truth."
For Cardinal Müller, "blessing" practiced homosexuality is impossible because acts that constitute grave sins cannot be blessed. He adds that the weakness of human nature is particularly evident when it comes to sexuality.
Pastoral care that seeks salvation and not the applause of an un-Catholic public opinion, cannot ignore the truth that divorcees living in adulterous unions cannot receive Communion.
Suggestions [as expressed by Francis] that adulterers should pick up Communion in another parish, are, for Müller “tricks” that may deceive people but not God.
Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller © Mazur CC BY-NC-ND, #newsXlaxbsczzn
Tony M
Cardinal Muller, Bergoglio's advising adulterers to pick up Communion in another parish. is far worse than a mere trick.....it is a sacrilegious abomination to advise those Catholics to receive communion sacrilegiously. It is the scandal of all scandals for him to suggest that to them. Please do not underplay how bad this advice is by calling it simply a 'trick'. No Pope in history has encouraged …More
Cardinal Muller, Bergoglio's advising adulterers to pick up Communion in another parish. is far worse than a mere trick.....it is a sacrilegious abomination to advise those Catholics to receive communion sacrilegiously. It is the scandal of all scandals for him to suggest that to them. Please do not underplay how bad this advice is by calling it simply a 'trick'. No Pope in history has encouraged people to have sacrilegious communion or written an official document like the Apostolic Exhortation 'Amoris Laetitia' advising them that they can do that. Please Cardinal Muller....with other cardinals of like mind do something to stop this destruction of the Church & souls being carried out by Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his heretical apostate cronies.

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Then, Cardinal Muller....... DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!
May it please Our Lord to preserve and protect this great Prince of Holy Mother Church, who bravely and boldly defends the Faith. For it is certain that he will be targeted by nefarious and diabolical enemies of Christ harboring like filthy roaches in the Vatican and ill-advising the Holy Father. May all the Hosts of Heaven guard him and keep him safe from all harm.
It's one thing to give an opinion (whether erroneous or otherwise) on a subject that is not his area - eg chemistry, oil drilling. It is quite another to entertain and communicate opinions that are contrary to Church teachings. Such behaviour points to a "minus the munus" category.
I'm going to assume Jorge and his ruthless gang are currently working on giving C. Muller the boot.
John A Cassani
I almost have to root for it at this point.