
Francis Again "Allows" Adulterer Communion: "You Will Say That The Pope Is Lutheran"

“You will say that the Pope is Lutheran”, Francis said at a November 16 meeting with Roman clergy, speaking about those who divorce and enter into an adulterous union, reports SilereNonPossum.com.

Francis recalled a story from a recent general audience. An adulterous man told him about another adulterous couple, hardened sinners for 25 years.

Francis called the woman in this relationship, a grandmother. He abusively told her she could receive Communion. She should go to another parish so as not to scandalise people. Then, the misled parish-priest "allowed" this couple to grab Communion in his church.

Francis believes that the most beautiful norm is “one that has exceptions [from the Gospel].” And, “Some will say that the Pope is a relativist. But let it be a fruitful relativism.”

It's only when it comes to his dictatorship, that Francis does not tolerate "exceptions".

Picture: Vatican Media, #newsQwanucvshq

Was Paus Franciscus maar een Lutheran, dan had hij nog een heel klein beetje geloof in God.
Warning: The apostate Bergoglio contradicting Catholic doctrine and the Word of God again
"You will say that the Pope is Lutheran." Well duh!
I guess Jorge is not keen on John the baptist but has a huge love for Herod Antipas 🥴
you dont tell another person ,its ok to sin ,that is not love ,tand that is not from God
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
All good Catholics are so sick of him after 10 1/2 years, why doesn't he just disappear. But he can't go back to Argentina now....Milei won the presidency, and it's an ardent anti-Francis Catholic. HAHAHAHA!
Boanerges Boanerges
There is so much falsity concentrated in just two words: "pope Francis"