
New Argentine Vice President Is PiusX Faithful

Javier Milei, an aggressive critic of Francis, has been elected president of Argentina over the socialist ("Peronist") candidate Sergio Massa.

In the past, Milei has said that Francis “has an affinity with murderous communists” and accused him of violating the Ten Commandments (“filthy leftist”).

His vice-president, Victoria Villarruel, 48, attends mass in a PiusX chapel (LetraP.com.ar, September 10).

Milei calls climate ideology a “lie of socialism”, wants to abolish the Argentine Central Bank and introduce the US dollar, and considers abortion to be “killing other human beings”.

Video below, Milei at the victory celebration:


Ave Crux
The fact that he was voted in shows how fed up people are becoming with lying, Socialist politicians. HOWEVER, I fear Javier Milei is actually mentally unstable from what I have seen of him. Would that it were not so.
congratulations ,i hope he does a good job in erasing communism from Argentina
Simon North
I'm glad he won. Unfortunately, he wants to apostatize and "contravert" to Judaism.
English Catholic
@Simon North. I watched the full interview with Javier Milei and Tucker Carlson - over 30 minutes. I can't remember what Tucker said, or at what point in the interview he said it, but the gist of it was that he asked about Milei's own religious beliefs or practice, or prayer, something like that. I remember thinking Milei looked very uncomfortable and his answer was very evasive. The full interview …More
@Simon North. I watched the full interview with Javier Milei and Tucker Carlson - over 30 minutes. I can't remember what Tucker said, or at what point in the interview he said it, but the gist of it was that he asked about Milei's own religious beliefs or practice, or prayer, something like that. I remember thinking Milei looked very uncomfortable and his answer was very evasive. The full interview with subtitles for Milei, is here: Kandydat na prezydenta Argentyny Javier Milei na s…
English Catholic
Just seen this: Grant Shapps shoots down new Argentinian president over Falklands Not a good way to start off his presidency. Risking Falklands War II. By the way, the overwhelming majority of Falkland Islanders still want to be under UK rule: Falkland Islands: UK statement to the Organization of American States, 23 June 2023 I've now got quite a few reservations about this guy. Of all the good …More
Just seen this: Grant Shapps shoots down new Argentinian president over Falklands Not a good way to start off his presidency. Risking Falklands War II. By the way, the overwhelming majority of Falkland Islanders still want to be under UK rule: Falkland Islands: UK statement to the Organization of American States, 23 June 2023 I've now got quite a few reservations about this guy. Of all the good things he could have done at the start of his presidency, he chose to re-open this wound, of which no good will come.
One more comment from English Catholic
English Catholic
Congratulations to the newly elected President and Vice President of the Republic of Argentina, the Holy Father’s home country. My prayers and best wishes for their success in leading their great nation into an era of peace, prosperity and justice for all of their citizens. May they govern in righteousness, with both strength and compassion, giving glory to the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords …More
Congratulations to the newly elected President and Vice President of the Republic of Argentina, the Holy Father’s home country. My prayers and best wishes for their success in leading their great nation into an era of peace, prosperity and justice for all of their citizens. May they govern in righteousness, with both strength and compassion, giving glory to the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords whose Kingdom is established throughout the whole world and who rules and reigns over all nations. His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, both now and forever, world without end. Amen.
Sandy Barrett
Looks like Francis won't be going to Argentina after all...
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
No loss for the people of Argentina!
Congratulations to the new Vice President of Argentina 🇦🇷
Catholic woman, patriot, pro-life, pro-family, anti Agenda 2030, with good values and very clear ideas. In good time, Argentina!More
Congratulations to the new Vice President of Argentina 🇦🇷

Catholic woman, patriot, pro-life, pro-family, anti Agenda 2030, with good values and very clear ideas. In good time, Argentina!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
And she goes to the Latin Mass at an SSPX Church!! A true Catholic!! God bless her, and the new President of Argentina Milei!!
De Profundis
He has epic sideburns. He clones his dogs.
Jan Joseph
Gelukkig, traditionele gelovigen, die nog geloven in het Universele Rooms Katholiek geloof van voor het tweede Vaticaansen Concilie, aan de macht.
Sally Dorman
Argentina’s new vice president Victoria Villarruel is a Catholic who opposes abortion and anti-family ideologies.
Wilma Lopez
Milei is a problem Not because he is Libertarian. But because every LatAm Right-Winger still believes the US is Reaganite, licks the US boots, and DISREGARDS his own national interests & cultural heritage to favor an abstract & fruitless notion of Liberty.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
He's way better than the socialist that was there before. The main poin however, is if Pope Francis was against Milei as strongly as he was, this must be a great thing that Milei won. Lastly, the new Vice-President of Argentina is a faithful Catholic who attends the Latin Mass at an SSPX Church, a real Catholic Church.
There is only one perfect King who is sovereign over the nations. There are no perfect politicians but conservative policies are closer to Catholic social doctrine, than Socialists, Communists, and Leftists.
Wilma Lopez
@philosopher Milei is also WEF
English Catholic
@Wilma Lopez Sadly, very few politicians worldwide are not connected to WEF. It has its tentacles all over the world, and with its 'Young Global Leaders' and 'Global Shapers' movements, it looks set to be with us for a long time.
I think the importance of this election is not so much that Milei was elected, as he does seem a bit strange to say the least, but that the PEOPLE have changed, that so many have turned defiantly away fro the old socialist regime. May God bless Argentina with continued reformation.