
Tyler: March In Support of Bishop

The Knights of the Republic held a rosary procession for Bishop Strickland in downtown Tyler on November 18. The march began at the cathedral.

Strickland was not present.

He wrote after the march on Twitter.com, “I’m grateful for these people of faith who gathered in prayer & honored Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith."


Jan Joseph
Wat geweldig van deze Rooms Katholieke gelovigen.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Very impressive. God bless Bishop Strickland. Down with Pope Francis and his legions of evil.
Sally Dorman
Gloria.tv is a Pinocchio website: catching the media lying and ignoring key Catholic news.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Beautiful. We need many more such occasions as this, and even larger. A powerful and potent manifestation of the UNITY of the Faith, displaying the courageous determination of the Faithful to stand boldly and uncompromisingly for righteousness and truth…even as we face the darkness of our times.