
Hollerich to Catholics: "You Are Outrageous"

He finds the [justified] Catholic criticism of the Synod "outrageous", Luxemburg Cardinal Hollerich, General Relator of the Synod, told Katholisch.de (20 September). For Hollerich, this means that an …More
He finds the [justified] Catholic criticism of the Synod "outrageous", Luxemburg Cardinal Hollerich, General Relator of the Synod, told Katholisch.de (20 September).
For Hollerich, this means that an individual Catholic determines what is Catholic. Hollerich is wrong, because "what is Catholic" does not need to be “determined", but is clear as daylight.
Hollerich is outraged that Catholics don't mind being at odds with [the anti-Catholic] Francis: "For some people, the magisterium apparently stops at Francis' election.” However, the real problem consists in the fact that for Francis and Hollerich, the "magisterium" consists of being lords over the faith.
People who once clamoured to obey the Magisterium now disobey Francis' "Magisterium", Hollerich argues, linking the faith to subjective persons rather than to objective content.
For him, all is only about "nuances" that are "different from what they [= the Catholics] themselves would say." In reality, Francis contradicts fundamental …More
"or Hollerich, this means that an individual Catholic determines what is Catholic." Wow, the same criticism as against the sedevacantists.
Tony M
No, you got that the wrong way around Cardinal Hollerer..... you are outrageous....and heretically so. You scandalise good & faithful Catholics....as does the one you sycophantly kowtow to.....Jorge we all know who.
Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.
Primary and secondary commandments flipped .
should be God first then You shall love your neighbor as yourself
Dr Bobus
The Cardinal seems to confuse the Zeitgeist with the Holy Spirit.
He needs to read the Gospel of John.More
The Cardinal seems to confuse the Zeitgeist with the Holy Spirit.

He needs to read the Gospel of John.
So the “Synodal Process of Listening” is followed by the “Synodal Process of Shouting Down” when something is said which is contradicts what he wants the conclusion to be. A very sad figure. Imagine if he could see the glory of the faith which inspired the saints and martyrs for centuries.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Hollerich is outraged that Catholics don't mind being at odds with [the anti-Catholic] Francis:
HAHAHAHAHA!! If he doesn't understand why, he is dumber than I thought. Faithful Catholics have cherished and kept the True Faith and teachings of the Church, including the tradiitonal Roman Rite, not trashed it all in favor of what apostate,heretic Francis and company profess.
Hollerich and all other …More
"Hollerich is outraged that Catholics don't mind being at odds with [the anti-Catholic] Francis:
HAHAHAHAHA!! If he doesn't understand why, he is dumber than I thought. Faithful Catholics have cherished and kept the True Faith and teachings of the Church, including the tradiitonal Roman Rite, not trashed it all in favor of what apostate,heretic Francis and company profess.
Hollerich and all other homo apostates like him and Francis can stick their "outrage" where the sun don't shine😂😂🤪
Malki Tzedek
Pompous lout.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I forgot to mention I hope, and we should all pray, that Francis' and Hollerich's Synod blows up in their faces.
Malki Tzedek
Ultimately, it will, I believe. I am concerned about the 'collateral damage' for many inside and outside of the Church, however.