
Angry Bishop Accuses His Own Faithful of “Ignorance”, “Bigotry”

On the eve of a 29 April “interfaith” celebration in Cairns Cathedral, Australia, when a Buddhist “His Holiness” gave a “blessing”, fifteen Catholics prayed a rosary of reparation outside the cathedral. …More
On the eve of a 29 April “interfaith” celebration in Cairns Cathedral, Australia, when a Buddhist “His Holiness” gave a “blessing”, fifteen Catholics prayed a rosary of reparation outside the cathedral.
This caused Cairns Bishop James Foley to go berserk. According to Cairns Post he accused the praying faithful of encouraging “ignorance and bigotry.”
A supporter of “multiple sexualities” and promoter of pro-gay Father Frank Brennan, Foley shouted that these faithful were “clearly” acting against Church teaching, adding that it was “very disturbing" when Church teaching is not followed.
Foley went on contradicting Church teaching by claiming that his cathedral “belongs to everybody, and that’s what cathedrals always have been.”
He said, his cathedral was "the largest worship space in town” and that he was “happy” for it to be used by “other” religious groups.
Picture: © Facebook/Khacho Yulo Ling Buddhist Centre, #newsWdpocdhaks
His "Faithful" (at least the ones who care about such blasphemies) should immediately cease any tithing/ financial support to the diocese. Men like this listen to their accountant much more readily than they listen to God.
Another to add to the appalling V2 bishop file. Sadly since JP2 prayed with pagans at Assisi, this public sacrilege appears acceptable. It isn't. Pray for the return of this bishops, and others, to the Holy Faith. God bless those Catholics for their witness.
Thank you Cardinal Ratzinger for your lobbying efforts at VII in support of Ecumanism, and JPII for that matter. Garbage in - garbage out.
Tony M
Foley has been a raving, radical liberal for decades. He is the one who does not follow Catholic Church teaching. Like Francis by my estimation he too is a heretic.
Tony M
Meant to say 'he seems to be a heretic like Francis is a heretic'.
They're carrying out the NWO/ Freemason's mission of integrating Roman Catholic Church into One World Government church. Their souls are in great danger.