
Decadence Meets Decadence: Francis Receives „Piss Christ“

For the 50th anniversary of the Vatican Museums’ contemporary "art" collection, Francis received two hundred "artists" on June 23, praising them as "true visionaries" who can "see", "invent" and "dream …More
For the 50th anniversary of the Vatican Museums’ contemporary "art" collection, Francis received two hundred "artists" on June 23, praising them as "true visionaries" who can "see", "invent" and "dream" [but never wake up].
Among them was the New York blasphemer Andres Serrano, who in 1987 dipped a plastic crucifix in a glass jar of his own urine and photographed it under the title Piss Christ.
Francis acknowledged that some in the crowd use “confrontation” to make people "think". But - as could be expected - he called black white, and claimed that producing blasphemy and strife was a way of finding "beauty" and "harmony."
GJA Taylor
It would be sloppy to describe it as lack of knowledge, it knows very well what it is doing, and it is not of God.
But he hates lace on traditional surplice. How long Lord.
Disgustingly weird Andres Serrano and disgustingly disrespectful to all Catholics that the Pope should receive him in public jubilation, rather than in private asking for his repentance and withdrawal of all his blasphemous art.
Tony M
That would be like one blasphemer asking another blasphemer to repent, without himself repenting.
Prof. John Lamont an Oxford Catholic philosopher and theologian has described Pope Francis as a "monster". The Pope is a political South American leftist, and not just a liberal modernist with a divergent theological opinion but willfully seeks the destruction of the Church. Interestingly Lamont is not a traditionalist Catholic. You can find Prof. Lamont's articles at 1Peter5.
Live Mike
This photo calls to mind the old adage, "Birds of a feather flock together."
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis doesn't look too good, and the cameras cut away when he was assisted from his wheelchair to the chair set up in the Sistine Chapel. Wouldn't a small hall (and there must be dozens in the Vatican) have been a better place to have this meeting, than in the Sistine Chapel which is (or was, until Francis that is), a sacred place reserved for liturgical functions?
Try to imagine St. Peter's reaction, or any of the early Church Bishops and Fathers. This is beyond sickening.