
Two Priests Arrested in Miami for Homosexual Crime

Father Diego Berrio, 39, the pastor of Misión San Juan Diego in Arlington Heights, Illinois, and Father Edwin Giraldo Cortes, 30, a priest from Soacha, Colombia who served at St Aloysius Parish in Chicago for one month in August, were arrested in Miami on September 3 on a very public Miami Beach street.

The police found Berrio performing oral sex on Giraldo Cortes in the front seat of a parked car in full view of the public passing by at 3:20 in the afternoon.

The two were so engaged, they didn’t even notice that police were there. The officer had to tap on the window to get their attention. In the meantime pro-gay Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich suspended Berrio from ministry.

According to Restore-DC-Catholicism.blogspot.com Berrio, was a tribunal judge for Cupich's Archdiocese and was involved in "youth ministry". The blog suggests a thorough review of that "youth ministry".

Where is bishop Cupich /?? looking for the rabbit hole ?
C'est la continuation de la suite.
So Chicago’s Cardinal Cupich appointed a homosexual to the marriage tribunal
Is it possible they might have wanted to get caught? It's just that they made no effort at concealment. It is a little odd I think.
@JTLiuzza 10 hours ago
He died for the redemption of sins, not that you might sin freely. What's your point, amarillo?
Dear siblings in Christ.
Its wrong to sin..commit sodomy act..
But its even worse to judge someone..
Tjose freaky news..yuck.
Its like someones trying to disguise us..making us see there is no Jesus Blood washing away our sins..only pointibg at sins..
.only church thats beeing …More
@JTLiuzza 10 hours ago

He died for the redemption of sins, not that you might sin freely. What's your point, amarillo?

Dear siblings in Christ.

Its wrong to sin..commit sodomy act..

But its even worse to judge someone..

Tjose freaky news..yuck.

Its like someones trying to disguise us..making us see there is no Jesus Blood washing away our sins..only pointibg at sins..

.only church thats beeing washed can follow Christ...church realizing its impurity and repenting..

Judgmental crowd hardly gets any mercy,sorry.
It is a shame to Gloria TV to publish such articles with such details. This is a Catholic medial website, not tabloid journalism...
ktozjak Bog
Surprize !
Homosexual behaviour is NORMAL as stated by many governments and UN so who is STUPID ? Homosexual priests who perform what is accepted and supported by state OR police and media ? Or... we have DOUBLE STANDARTS.
If it is done by catholic people, part of Catholic Church - is WRONG,
If by anyone else - is APPLAUDED ...
Surprize !
Homosexual behaviour is NORMAL as stated by many governments and UN so who is STUPID ? Homosexual priests who perform what is accepted and supported by state OR police and media ? Or... we have DOUBLE STANDARTS.
If it is done by catholic people, part of Catholic Church - is WRONG,
If by anyone else - is APPLAUDED ...

Cardinal Cupich needs to apologise for his dreadful remarks regarding Pope Frances's position on the McCarrick case. Abuse is a very serious sin and we need to get to the bottom of this whole affair. It is not going down a rabbit hole to insist on a proper investigation of the credible allegations made by Archbishop Vigano. I for one would like to see him join his voice to all those others who have …More
Cardinal Cupich needs to apologise for his dreadful remarks regarding Pope Frances's position on the McCarrick case. Abuse is a very serious sin and we need to get to the bottom of this whole affair. It is not going down a rabbit hole to insist on a proper investigation of the credible allegations made by Archbishop Vigano. I for one would like to see him join his voice to all those others who have insisted on a proper investigation. What's the problem for goodness sake. Just do the right thing! Its not complicated.
Near a playground, in public, 🤮 . Filthy faggots. Pope St Pius V as
Horrendum illud scelus suggests he would consigned to secular authorities who would hang both after a fair trial. Even the demons refuse to look at the act of sodomy.More
Near a playground, in public, 🤮 . Filthy faggots. Pope St Pius V as

Horrendum illud scelus suggests he would consigned to secular authorities who would hang both after a fair trial. Even the demons refuse to look at the act of sodomy.
I know Blase, you were accompanying them.
He died for the redemption of sins, not that you might sin freely. What's your point, amarillo?
Jesus died for sinners,right?
Lock them up & throw away the key!