
A Reflection on The Good Thief. By Dr Geoffrey Brushwood

(Inspired after the book of the same name by Msgr. Jean-Joseph Gaume) According to St Anselm of Canterbury (De Vita Ermetica) the good thief Dismas, sometimes also known as Titus, crucified on Jesus's …More
(Inspired after the book of the same name by Msgr. Jean-Joseph Gaume)
According to St Anselm of Canterbury (De Vita Ermetica) the good thief Dismas, sometimes also known as Titus, crucified on Jesus's right hand, was born into a family of brigands, and lived in the region of Latroun in the mountains of Judea where today there is a Trappist Monastery. He knew only of robbery and pillage and was even guilty of fratricide. His sins were many, and he well deserved the full force of Roman justice of crucifixion.
The scourge of highwaymen was commonplace at the time of Our Lord, that He used such a character in His parable of the Good Samaritan. People lived in fear of highwaymen, and the safe completion of a long journey was cause for great thanksgiving.
Crucifying two such highwaymen in Jerusalem, who were caught at Jericho, was a publicity stunt, by the Governor Pontuis Pilate. This was aimed to demonstrate Roman justice to the multitudes gathered in Jerusalem for the great feast of Passover. …More
J G Tasan
Can the passage in John 5:24 is best to describe the sanctity of St. Dismas? 🤔
andreas adi
the repentant thief.
being good is not enough.
a good catholic can be an unrepentant one. remember, "i'm a good catholic" phrase.
a.repentant one.without being told,pretty sure he WILL be a good catholic.
that thief is guilty,objectively.
his act of contrition, is the one that save.him from Hades.More
the repentant thief.

being good is not enough.
a good catholic can be an unrepentant one. remember, "i'm a good catholic" phrase.

a.repentant one.without being told,pretty sure he WILL be a good catholic.

that thief is guilty,objectively.
his act of contrition, is the one that save.him from Hades.
Very interesting They should make a movie about it
J G Tasan
It's good to know! 😘 🙏