Don Reto Nay
Interesting article (not from oligarch media)
The U.S. intent to establish a 'humanitarian aid' supply line into Venezuela has a secondary purpose. Such aid is the ideal cover for weapon supplies. In the 1980s designated 'humanitarian aid' flights for Nicaragua were filled with weapons. The orders for those flights were given by Elliot Abrams who is now Trump's special envoy for Venezuela.More
Interesting article (not from oligarch media)

The U.S. intent to establish a 'humanitarian aid' supply line into Venezuela has a secondary purpose. Such aid is the ideal cover for weapon supplies. In the 1980s designated 'humanitarian aid' flights for Nicaragua were filled with weapons. The orders for those flights were given by Elliot Abrams who is now Trump's special envoy for Venezuela.

Venezuela - U.S. Aid Gambit Fails

February 07, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - A day after the U.S. coup attempt in Venezuela the U.S. game plan was already quite obvious: The opposition in Venezuela …
Don Reto Nay
@Prayhard: There is indeed no reason to defend Maduro, but it is much likely that the cure proposed by the U.S. will be worse than the sickness. After all, if the Venezuela population would not have been kept in poverty by the U.S. capitalists, people like Chavez or Madura would never have been elected to begin with. Down below I have put the link to an interesting interview about the economy of …More
@Prayhard: There is indeed no reason to defend Maduro, but it is much likely that the cure proposed by the U.S. will be worse than the sickness. After all, if the Venezuela population would not have been kept in poverty by the U.S. capitalists, people like Chavez or Madura would never have been elected to begin with. Down below I have put the link to an interesting interview about the economy of Venezuela.
Maduro has made his people poor. Yet to meet a Venezuelan who likes him and his narco crew.
If Venezuela didn't have oil, I really doubt the US would be interested at all.
Don Reto Nay
These are the people who are about to "help" (oil-rich) Venezuela: (video only 24 seconds long)
Holy Cannoli
After viewing part one, make sure to click on the arrow to the right of the speaker in order to view all 7 parts.
Don Reto Nay
@mattsixteen24: This is true. Interesting is that the article looks behind the We-Help-The-Starving-Population propaganda. If that would have been of any concern to the Western regimes, Chavez and Maduro would never have come to power.
Yep. There's a lot of disinfo to filter through.
Interesting, but also not without agenda.
.."enormous progress that was made under Chavez and Maduro. "More
Interesting, but also not without agenda.

.."enormous progress that was made under Chavez and Maduro. "
It is impossible to think of a single area of progress unless for Narco-Generals, who are now richer than their wildest dreams. Maduro goes, they go.