
Priest: Sexual Relation With 14-Year-Old Was “Consensual”

Paola, 30, a woman from Kennedy/Bogotá, Colombia, alleged that Father Nelson William Montes Lizarazo, 50, “raped” her when she was 10. At the time, Montes was a seminarian in his third year of theology. …More
Paola, 30, a woman from Kennedy/Bogotá, Colombia, alleged that Father Nelson William Montes Lizarazo, 50, “raped” her when she was 10.
At the time, Montes was a seminarian in his third year of theology.
On February 17, Montes told Caracol Radio that his sexual relationship started when Paola was 14 (2004) and that she and her family welcomed the relationship.
Montes was ordained a priest in 2002. Paolo gave birth to their son in 2005.
Nelson explained, “When you fall in love, you don't have a calendar by which you think about the person's age or your age.” The age of consent in Colombia is 14.
In what way does this fallen perverse anti-priest reflect Christ? Sling Satanists like this out of the Church and let's all start petitioning for the SSPX and other Traditionalist Societies to be placed in control of the Vatican & remove all the idolatry and novelties and give God the Fidelity that He truly deserves.
Give to Caesar what is due to Caesar said Christ and to GOD what is due to God.
In what way does this fallen perverse anti-priest reflect Christ? Sling Satanists like this out of the Church and let's all start petitioning for the SSPX and other Traditionalist Societies to be placed in control of the Vatican & remove all the idolatry and novelties and give God the Fidelity that He truly deserves.

Give to Caesar what is due to Caesar said Christ and to GOD what is due to God.

What does this reprobate believe he has ever given Christ?

He's a scoundrel with no true Priestly virtue, his morals are base, and he scares the little children away from Our Lord. His broken vows of celibacy are a betrayal of his Priestly Ministry,
Pay Christ back for what you have stolen from Him with this scandal - or face His Eternal Condemnation later. Sweep out this filth. All of it. Let Christ BREATHE! Let Satan have the unrepentant Judas's, but they have absolutely NO right to be portraying themselves as Priests of Jesus Christ.

www.communityofhopeinc.org/…/marie julie.html


The World is about to End.

Revelation 18:2 Just Happened

All that happened in the Jewish Scriptures to the Children of God = has happened nowadays to the Roman Catholic Church

All Priests should repent who behave in this disgraceful manner - and read Chapters 23 and 24 of St Catherine's Dialogue - this is God the Father discussing his hatred of Homosexual none-celibates appearing to Celebrate Mass with grave sins on their souls. Who do YOU believe Christ is - you fornicating fake promiscuous Priests? - read this and view the above links.
"Montes was ordained a priest in 2002. Paolo gave birth to their son in 2005" The calendar doesn't lie. Father Montes profaned his ordination.