Weinandy: Francis Even Worse Than Bad Popes of the Past

In the past, bad popes were tainted with fornication, simony, nepotism and greed, but the current crisis is worse because Francis is attacking Catholic doctrine, Capuchin Father Thomas Weinandy, told …More
In the past, bad popes were tainted with fornication, simony, nepotism and greed, but the current crisis is worse because Francis is attacking Catholic doctrine, Capuchin Father Thomas Weinandy, told LaVerita.info (25 January):
"His predecessors may have practiced fornication, but they never claimed that fornication was good. Now, however, Francis seems to be attacking the very moral teaching of the Church, especially in matters of sexuality".
Francis is "undermining the teaching of the Church", and "instead of strengthening unity in the Church, he is creating division".
He never accepts criticism but blames others, even though it is his ideology, not the ideology of others, that has created the current problems.
Weinandy notes that Francis' "Sodoma Supplicans" is not in line with Church teaching because homosexual acts are intrinsically evil.
Everything that comes out of the Vatican, whether from Francis or Tucho, is full of "deceptive and manipulative ambiguity".
The two deliberately …More
J. Boanerges
This only confirms what we suspect. I with the source was in english
Naomi Arai
Google Translate, DeepL, and other translation apps do fairly well. Give them a try.
Hound of Heaven
Perhaps we have a pontiff who is more in sympathy with the character in Milton's Paradise Lost who opines, "All good to me is lost; Evil, be thou my Good" than anything in the Holy Writ which forms the rock on which the Church he is sworn to serve is built.
Denis Efimov
But a similar explanation - the existence of two churches, the conciliar and the Catholic - was also given by Monsignor Lefebvre.
As Cajetan said, "Persona papae potest renuere subesse officio papae", and this makes the Pope a schismatic, "per separationem sui ab unitate Capitis".More
But a similar explanation - the existence of two churches, the conciliar and the Catholic - was also given by Monsignor Lefebvre.

As Cajetan said, "Persona papae potest renuere subesse officio papae", and this makes the Pope a schismatic, "per separationem sui ab unitate Capitis".
Kindly explain why you believe that is a ridiculous theory. Is that not what we have?
To cut to the chase: How can Francis be in schism with himself? If he's the Pope then his magisterium is to be obeyed, but if he's in error (all the scandalous things he's declared in the past decade - culminating in the "blessing" of same-sex couples) - his teachings are to be rejected. But many claim that we must be "in union" with a man that teaches things NOT in union with previous popes. Things …More
To cut to the chase: How can Francis be in schism with himself? If he's the Pope then his magisterium is to be obeyed, but if he's in error (all the scandalous things he's declared in the past decade - culminating in the "blessing" of same-sex couples) - his teachings are to be rejected. But many claim that we must be "in union" with a man that teaches things NOT in union with previous popes. Things are so bad I was contacted by my relatives who are just regular Church-going Catholics that a priest on EWTN [of all places] said at Mass that Catholics are bound to follow the current Pope since we have a "living magisterium" Not dead popes or theologians!! Hence Sacred Tradition is nullified!! THIS IS THE CRISIS OF THE FRANCIS "PAPACY." 😱 😤
Simon North
@Orthocat Well said - except for your last sentence. Every Pope connected with the Council (62-65) has failed to hand on the Faith untainted.
Well it seems that father is finally getting to the truth of the matter. In the past, he was known for his ridiculous theory that Francis was BOTH the standard of unity and a vector of schism - that Francis the man was against Francis the pontiff!
Quote: "What the Church will end up with, then, is a pope who is the pope of the Catholic Church and, simultaneously, the de facto leader, for all …More
Well it seems that father is finally getting to the truth of the matter. In the past, he was known for his ridiculous theory that Francis was BOTH the standard of unity and a vector of schism - that Francis the man was against Francis the pontiff!

Quote: "What the Church will end up with, then, is a pope who is the pope of the Catholic Church and, simultaneously, the de facto leader, for all practical purposes, of a schismatic church. Because he is the head of both, the appearance of one church remains, while in fact there are two.The only phrase that I can find to describe this situation is “internal papal schism.

Kind of like the notion that the Church can bless "couples" but not "unions.
Perhaps you are just understanding what he has said very differently than I. I see absolutely no comparison to his thesis and the blessing of homosexual unions. Respectfully, if you had a more persuasive argument I’d be interested in seeing it.