
Vatican Instruction: Interdiction to Kiss Francis' Ring [Except For Half-Naked Males]

Faithful who are received in private audiences by Pope Francis are "instructed not to kneel or kiss Francis' ring", writes katholisch.de which is controlled by the German Bishops.

The news-page comments on Francis' bizarre March 25 behavior when he violently withheld his ring from those who wanted to kiss it.

However he allowed a half-naked male circus artist to kiss his ring abundantly on February 7, 2018.

Personally Francis loves to kiss hands and feet of transvestites, immigrants, abuse victims and holocaust survivors.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicchurch.org.uk , CC BY-NC-SA, #newsRupujhmfiv
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Come on just cuz he likes beefcake? Oh forgot most of the cardinals are flaming gay like him.
Francis would certainly make an exception for a near baked young man. Patently an impure man happy his best friend Gustavo Vera keeps him and his crew in youths.
De Profundis
What you need to know to understand the new New Rite Church
De Profundis
alex j
There you have it folks, a real Pope who fully understood the importance of being the Pope for all, faithful and non faithful. Why Pope Pius X11 is as yet, not deemed a saint, [surely he is one in heaven,] speaks volumes of the modern understanding of the title saint.