
Cardinal Admits: Francis Is Afraid of Catholic Priests

Francis worries that “traditionalist positions are [allegedly] being taken up again in the formation of priests," Curia Cardinal Braz de Aviz said at a colloquium during the 50th National Week for …More
Francis worries that “traditionalist positions are [allegedly] being taken up again in the formation of priests," Curia Cardinal Braz de Aviz said at a colloquium during the 50th National Week for Institutes of Consecrated Life, organised by the Theological Institute of Religious Life in Madrid.
“Traditionalist” is the word the Modernists use in order to avoid the term “Catholic.” Aviz was speaking about Francis “concern for priestly formation" and revealed how he expressed in a recent meeting his nightmare of "a certain tendency to go a little far from the Second Vatican Council, returning to traditionalist positions".
However, the old “Vatican-II-Was-Betrayed” trick doesn’t work anymore since the Modernists have apostasied so radically from the Catholic Faith that, by now, the “Traditionalists” are much closer to the positions of Vatican II than the Modernists.
Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsZwspmppnbq
Louis IX
“Catholic positions are being taken up again in the formation of priests.”
TRUTH: "Modernists have apostasied so radically from the Catholic Faith that, by now, the “Traditionalists” are much closer to the positions of Vatican II than the Modernists."
Is he afraid of holy water too?