
New Cardinals: Francis Praises Failed Cardinal

Francis opened the August 27 ceremony in St. Peter's Basilica during which he created twenty new cardinals with a Latin prayer. In his homily, he announced that Neo-Cardinal Richard Kuuia Baawobr of …More
Francis opened the August 27 ceremony in St. Peter's Basilica during which he created twenty new cardinals with a Latin prayer.
In his homily, he announced that Neo-Cardinal Richard Kuuia Baawobr of Wa, Ghana, was absent due to illness.
He presented Cardinal Agostino Casaroli (+1988) as an example, praising him as “a great diplomat, a martyr of patience,” said to be "famous" for having opened new perspectives in Europe through dialogue after the Cold War. Francis expressed the wish that God would prevent human short-sightedness from closing again these prospects that Casaroli had opened.
Casaroli was responsible of the Vatican's “Ostpolitik” which Benedict XVI described a failure.
During the ceremony, Cardinal Becciu was given a front row seat. He told CatholicNewsAgency.com that it felt good to be back at a consistory, but that was all he could say at the moment.
Nigerian Cardinal Peter Okpaleke brought several hundred African supporters, who articulated their feelings accordingly.
At …More
paul arten
I thought it was beautiful. (grandma's lace)
Gosh, one of them is wearing grandma's lace right in front of Bergoglio!!
The blessing picture is interesting. Some making the sign of the cross others not. In the moment who was looking at whom I wonder.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis arrived in his wheelchair again, and didn't look so well. Neither did Benedict XVI when the new CArdinals went to meet him. Like all very aged people, he's lost alot of weight and has problems chewing, but he looked relatively ok considering age, etc. But I'll bet he's sorry he resigned.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Too bad one of the new Cardinals, from Africa, who is only 63 became seriously ill upon his arrival in Rome with heart problems and is in the hospital where he underwent an opperation. Probably he is a good CAtholic, as are most bishops and CArdinals of Africa, especially CArdinal Sarah. Too bad it wasn't Roche or McIlroy.
John Fritz Logan
But the cardinal from Ghana is still officially a cardinal now right?
Never heard or read pope Benedict insisting not being the pope. To the contrary in his documents he clearly remains pope and dresses accordingly as one since 2013. However most who reject him, claim that they know someone who (?) knows the pope insisted that he isn't what he really is, apparently to justify their pertinacious being in error and falsehood... Above is more overwhelming evidence of …More
Never heard or read pope Benedict insisting not being the pope. To the contrary in his documents he clearly remains pope and dresses accordingly as one since 2013. However most who reject him, claim that they know someone who (?) knows the pope insisted that he isn't what he really is, apparently to justify their pertinacious being in error and falsehood... Above is more overwhelming evidence of who is the pope...
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Bergoglio's election was manipulated by a gang of 5-6 radical liberals, and afew on the outside who were past the age to vote. I read that Bergoglio even campaigned for himself. He lost out in 2005 when Ratzinger was elected. The radical liberals made sure that Benedict XVI didn't last long, and they go their man in the second time.
John Fritz Logan
And srill, the two African cardinals both seem ultraorthodox, while Goh from Singgapore and the one from East Timor seem very good also,