
Spain: Police Storm Holy Mass

Spanish police desecrated Masses by harassing priests and faithful who were present in church without masking their face.

InfoCatolica.com reports that the police of Zaragoza fined a pro-life Catholic in the Basilica del Pilar just after Communion on December 26 although he had asked the intruders to wait until the end of the liturgy.

Spanish MEP and journalist Hermannn Tertsch wrote on Twitter.com without giving further details that the police in Madrid acted even worse and that the police would never have behaved like this in a mosque.

The Covid state of emergency was declared illegal by the Spanish Constitutional Court.


I think it is worthwhile asking why they would not have done that in a mosque. Too many complaints? Too many people confronting them? They need to be held responsible in some way for treating people who are worshiping as if they were common criminals.
"who were present in church without masking their face." I wonder if they scrutinize the local mosques quite this closely, eh? Funny thing.
Sadly, the majority of Spaniards, including Spanish Catholics, voted in the socialistas that gave the police these ordinances and directives.
Frankly, in many countries it doesn't matter who you vote for. You still get politicians who are beholden to their puppet masters. In my country there is really no difference between the supposed left and right parties. They're all fully onboard with the New World Order agenda. Just look which politicians and influential advisors have been members of the World Economic Forum Young Leaders programme …More
Frankly, in many countries it doesn't matter who you vote for. You still get politicians who are beholden to their puppet masters. In my country there is really no difference between the supposed left and right parties. They're all fully onboard with the New World Order agenda. Just look which politicians and influential advisors have been members of the World Economic Forum Young Leaders programme over the years or have been part of Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission. They're right across the electable political spectrum.
Jeffrey Ade
Police officer, "I'M just doing my job! Get in the ditch!"
Hiszpania powraca do bolszewizmu. Socjalisci, rodem z piekla, zamierzaja powetowac sobie rok 1936 i kolejne za czasow gen. Franko, gotujac chrzescijanom swoiste martyrologium. Niestety dzisiaj nie ma gen. Franko i jemu podobnych obroncow wolnosci i wiary katolickiej.
evil laws
Evil times - evil laws but as anti-Samnite Romans used to say: lex mala - lex nulla.