
Francis Writes Letter to Cardinal Müller

"Dear Brother, many thanks for the book ‘The Pope, Mission and Duty’ and for the document on the post-synodal exhortation ‘Querida Amazonia’, which I liked..." This is the beginning of what Francis …More
"Dear Brother, many thanks for the book ‘The Pope, Mission and Duty’ and for the document on the post-synodal exhortation ‘Querida Amazonia’, which I liked..."
This is the beginning of what Francis wrote to Cardinal Müller. The full February 12 letter contains seven lines and is penned in Spanish.
Müller’s comment on Querida Amazonia to which Francis refers, was published in the National Catholic Register.
Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsHekcdoczwa
The Antichrist is very fond of Müller because he is a traitor: I have already said it over and over again, so I do not insist.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Poor Muller. A most likeable man .
Is he a traitor? Well, St .Peter was definitely a traitor but he made a great pope.
Muller is conflicted and I suggest also confused by the clever strategy deployed by Pope Benedict to remove the Smoke of Satan from the Vatican.
When Muller comes to his senses , as I have expectations that he will, his forced support for the formal heretic Francis will end.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Have you met the Antichrist?
Formal heretic francis, who poses as a “pope”, hates Cardinal Muller as proved in the way he ill treated him.
Muller, under his vow of obedience, is forced to support the heretic.
I’m not so sure therefore that the real antichrist is one bit fond of the aforementioned cardinal.
awesome cartoon ☕
Krystian N.
Appreciation from Francis is like devil's kiss.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Though I quite like cardinal Muller his support for,what any reasonable catholic can clearly see is an ANTIPOPE , is absurd.
Cardinal Mueller supports liberation theology. www.traditioninaction.org/…/A_167_TL-OR-2.h…