
One Idol More For Francis

A huge puppet called "Little Amal" visited St Peter’s square on September 10 to shake hands with Francis for press pictures.

Amal (Arabic for "hope") is supposed to represents a refugee girl, 9, who left Syria and went 8000 km through rich Europe in search of her mother in wealthy Manchester.

The puppet is 3.5 meters tall. Two large gaps in the face allow the jaw to move and make her look like coming out of a horror show. The torso is a cage where the person is who moves the puppet.

Vaticanist Armin Schwibach calls Amal a “diversification of idols.” The initiative promoting immigration ideology is, of course, officially supported by the Vatican and by many oligarch journalists who spread the NATO narrative of countries like Turkey, Great Britain, France, Italy which, with their military aggression, are responsible for producing refugees.


I'm FED up with little Amal or larger Kamala. History teaches that political Babylon must fall to set Rome free and sometimes Rome must be sacked to go back to senses. In the meantime do not get overexcited over obvious things.
In reality probably some pagan devil god
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De Profundis
Fixed it for you
Francis is performing an exorcism?! Isn't he?
Little Amal 9 years old, hopefully she didn't suffer the fate of little Aisha. We are already getting reports of Afgani refugees whom we are are told were translators but now need translators to process them and their child brides.
Ugly freakish thing. Hopefully a Syrian Islamist will get offended because 1.) this puppet is in human form contrarty to The Quran 2.) it's a woman who isn't covering her head/ face either. :P
De Profundis
Cardinal Michael Czerny says “Little Amal” - a giant puppet of a Syrian which is on a journey from Turkey to England - reminds us that meeting vulnerable migrants and refugees in our midst requires more than just a glance.
Indeed, verily the Cardinal speaks truly. The migrants and refugees in our midst do require "more than just a glance". Those who arrived illegally and are "undocumented" require deportation and the laws shouldn't by jury-rigged to "legalize" their uncontrolled influx, either.
Pachamama's sister goddess?
Msgr Arthur Roche to annonce her feast days soon.
Francis to announce indulgences.More
Pachamama's sister goddess?

Msgr Arthur Roche to annonce her feast days soon.

Francis to announce indulgences.
Louis IX
freak show
De Profundis
Amal is Arabic for Hope but they don't believe in that, or Faith, or Charity anymore.
Well? Aren't you going to set fire to it, or are you waiting until Cardinal Burke is imprisoned in it first?