
Despite Coronavirus: Francis Kisses Hand of Freed Missionary

Francis received Father Pierluigi Maccalli, 59, for a November 9 audience. Maccalli belongs to the White Fathers. He was kidnapped by Islamic groups for two years in Niger and Mali, and liberated on …More
Francis received Father Pierluigi Maccalli, 59, for a November 9 audience.
Maccalli belongs to the White Fathers. He was kidnapped by Islamic groups for two years in Niger and Mali, and liberated on October 8.
"When we said goodbye - Father Maccalli told Vatican media – “I shook his hand and he kissed my hands. I didn't expect this". At the audicence, nobody was wearing a coronavirus mask.
Only the hands? Our esteemed pontiff didn't get down on all fours and kiss the man's shoes ? There's a pity. Perhaps that's reserved only for non-Christians. :P
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