
Bishop: Catholics Acting Upon Sex Confusion Are Excommunicated

Marquette Bishop John Doerfler, 57, Michigan, published an instruction regarding persons with “gender dysphoria” [= gender confusion]. He explains that men must live "according to the truth of our …More
Marquette Bishop John Doerfler, 57, Michigan, published an instruction regarding persons with “gender dysphoria” [= gender confusion].
He explains that men must live "according to the truth of our human nature” and “embrace their bodily sex.” Gender dysphoria is, the instruction explains, like suffering from anorexia nervosa, meaning, a disorder regarding self-perception and bodily reality.
Therefore, persons who "publicly identify" as a different gender or attempt "gender transitioning" may not be baptised, confirmed nor received into full communion in the Church, unless they repent.
They may not serve as godparents for baptism or confirmation, nor receive Holy Communion, nor hold a liturgical office or church leadership position.
Doerfler explains the truism that the mere experience of a sexual "incongruence" is not sinful, “However, deliberate, freely chosen and manifest behaviours to 'redefine' one’s sex do constitute such an obstacle.”
Picture: © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsRamwrggnngMore
Wilma Lopez shares this
The Diocese of Marquette (Michigan) forbids sacraments to people in same-sex relationship or who identify as a gender different from their assigned sex at birth. Meaning: Diocese refuses to pretend that public perverts aren’t in sin.
Jan Joseph
Uitstekende bisschop.
Facts Not Lies
Typical... dumbing things down to one syllable to intentionally dumb down the population.
Why don't new USA drivers accelerate to merge into traffic?
They never learned they were on an ACCELERATION Ramp
Why do new USA drivers slow down on the freeway to exit?
They never learned there is a DECELERATION Ramp
(Now the government created a problem they can 'fix' in limiting and ticketing, metering …More
Typical... dumbing things down to one syllable to intentionally dumb down the population.

Why don't new USA drivers accelerate to merge into traffic?
They never learned they were on an ACCELERATION Ramp

Why do new USA drivers slow down on the freeway to exit?
They never learned there is a DECELERATION Ramp

(Now the government created a problem they can 'fix' in limiting and ticketing, metering lights, ...)

I know and 'aint' now is a word... and sex is now all of a mode and an act and an identity...

Sex is an act. One cannot BE an Act
Gender is a mode (there are only TWO).
Identity is perception. (Your OWN that cannot be asserted upon others)

Like many big problems... a small deviation and suddenly it goes way awry...

Why are many adherents pedantic to terms... well, look above.
Jeffrey Ade
I always thought "on" ramp meant "floor" it! I always do! I back off a little in the snow and ice!
Rand Miller
Let's call a spade a spade- sin.
Especially since it is one of those which cries to Heaven for vengeance.
I commend His Excellency for this sound and edifying pastoral declaration admonishing his flock unto righteousness, and setting forth in clear and unambiguous terms his episcopal directives with regard to the diocesan policies and procedures that are to govern the Marquette Church’s interaction with those who suffer the affliction of same-sex attraction and gender confusion/delusion, and the illicit …More
I commend His Excellency for this sound and edifying pastoral declaration admonishing his flock unto righteousness, and setting forth in clear and unambiguous terms his episcopal directives with regard to the diocesan policies and procedures that are to govern the Marquette Church’s interaction with those who suffer the affliction of same-sex attraction and gender confusion/delusion, and the illicit acts incumbent thereof.

The contents as I have read them, are, without doubt or debate, mostly (with minimal exceptions) rooted in and founded upon the perennial Magisterium of Holy Mother Church, as has been taught always and everywhere. It is very apparent that he harbors the heart and soul of a Shepherd with respect to this matter, who seeks to lead the Faithful under his watchcare into the fullness of truth as the Church has actually established and affirmed it, not only in theoretical instruction, but more importantly, in implementive practice with accountability.

The sad part of it, however, is that we live in a time when it is even found necessary to promulgate in Christ’s Church such an edict on the subject at all.
Kyrie eleison Christe eleison!!
Jeffrey Ade
Funny how Hitler gets in with the "cool" guys!
Ummm….I’m not so sure that the word “cool” is the best term to descriptively use in this case. Although I’m certain those pictured would desperately wish it so. 😬 😂 😂
John A Cassani
@SonoftheChurch I think “cool” was referring to the fact that Cain and Judas inhabit in the frozen lake in the ninth circle of Dante’s Inferno. It wouldn’t surprise me if Hitler did, ideed, merit the punishment reserved for betrayers, amongst all his other sins.
Facts Not Lies
The picture is missing these as well:
I am uncertain why Megele is missing as he is probably waiting with popcorn for the above group.More
The picture is missing these as well:

I am uncertain why Megele is missing as he is probably waiting with popcorn for the above group.
Probably because those persons you list, @Facts Not Lies, are still alive. Otherwise, a list like yours would also have to include the serial adulterer and self-professed sexual violator, Trump, and his harem of multiple wives and porn star mistresses, along with the last scion of the Ku “Koch” Klan duo; and you couldn’t forget the boy-diddling sodomite, Hastert; and of course that adulterous …More
Probably because those persons you list, @Facts Not Lies, are still alive. Otherwise, a list like yours would also have to include the serial adulterer and self-professed sexual violator, Trump, and his harem of multiple wives and porn star mistresses, along with the last scion of the Ku “Koch” Klan duo; and you couldn’t forget the boy-diddling sodomite, Hastert; and of course that adulterous hypocrite, Gingrich; and I’m pretty sure you’d have to add that witchcraft-consulting Nancy Reagan, as one of those who is “probably waiting with popcorn for the above group.”

See? There are all kinds of personages and political figures one could name with a list like yours….IF one wanted to be objectively truthful and fair.
Facts Not Lies
Yes, those you listed may be bad along with most politicians.
I agree... actually, I felt that the mere act of taking a role as a politician was inherently damning. The acts they must perform daily are definitely damning.
I listed those who are presently enabling or perpetrating the greatest evil in history.More
Yes, those you listed may be bad along with most politicians.

I agree... actually, I felt that the mere act of taking a role as a politician was inherently damning. The acts they must perform daily are definitely damning.

I listed those who are presently enabling or perpetrating the greatest evil in history.
I am afraid, @Facts Not Lies, that none of the 6 to 10 million souls who were subjected to unspeakable suffering and monstrously horrific deaths during the holocaust of WWII at the hands of Hitler and his psychopathic cult of nazi murderers, nor any of the other 45 to 60 million souls who perished as a consequence of that Germany-ignited conflagration, would agree with you in your assertion that …More
I am afraid, @Facts Not Lies, that none of the 6 to 10 million souls who were subjected to unspeakable suffering and monstrously horrific deaths during the holocaust of WWII at the hands of Hitler and his psychopathic cult of nazi murderers, nor any of the other 45 to 60 million souls who perished as a consequence of that Germany-ignited conflagration, would agree with you in your assertion that those you listed are the enablers or perpetrators of the “greatest evil in history.” Not even just from a perspective of modern or contemporary history could such an assertion be realistically, accurately and truthfully made; let alone if one took into account all of just the known and recorded acts of satanically inspired depravity and atrocities committed by evil men and women (and yes, even children) in this dark, lost world throughout the span of human history. Nothing any political leader in America is doing now, or could do now, would compare to such acts and would pale to utter obscurity in comparison. And I suspect even you would have to agree with that.

As for me, I have always held that the “greatest evil” committed by man was the very first one - Adam’s Original Sin - since it was the evil that has impacted all of human kind throughout all of time, infusing evil itself and an unquenchable thirst for it into our very nature and fostering death and decay upon every living thing. I also count our Lord’s cruel sufferings and crucifixion at the hands of man to be the supreme human evil; although, thanks be unto God, in the glory and mystery and majesty of His salvific plan, it was that very selfsame act of evil which wrought our deliverance from evil.

Those observations notwithstanding, I consider and hold the possibility that the greatest “contemporary” evil in this world is the cataclysmic slaughter of 750 million to 1 billion precious innocent Chinese babies in their mother’s womb, perpetrated by the abortion policies that have been implemented and enforced in Communist China during the apocalypse of its reign of terror. Nothing in my lifetime even comes close to comparing with evil of that nature and at that level. Such industrialized death has turned China into a charnel house drowning in the blood and body parts of its own future generations. The quantity and scope of it is truly breathtaking and heartbreaking. A small mercy is that their “One Child” policy was recently suspended, but that single reversal in itself cannot abate the entirety of the culture of baby-slaughter which has gripped the nation for so long.

May the Queen of Mothers and the Martyrs and Saints of China look down with compassion upon the blood of those billion infants, and with fierce indignation, avenge their deaths with God’s own Holy Wrath.
Facts Not Lies
I have to agree that, at the time and until 2019 there had been no recorded atrocities greater than done in the name of the "Final Solution" in the 1940's. It did effect the wellbeing of Millions.
We are now talking about the wellbeing of nearly 8 Billion. So, if numbers are the sole reference, the cadre of covid win hands down... IMO.More
I have to agree that, at the time and until 2019 there had been no recorded atrocities greater than done in the name of the "Final Solution" in the 1940's. It did effect the wellbeing of Millions.

We are now talking about the wellbeing of nearly 8 Billion. So, if numbers are the sole reference, the cadre of covid win hands down... IMO.