
New York Archdiocese Celebrates "Holy Spirit Of Pride"

“Let us go out, come out, speak out, stand up, stand by, stand for, celebrate, commemorate, advocate. May all of us – whether we are marching or not [at LGBT parade] - participate in and share the good …More
“Let us go out, come out, speak out, stand up, stand by, stand for, celebrate, commemorate, advocate. May all of us – whether we are marching or not [at LGBT parade] - participate in and share the good news of my prayer for us that we can truly take in God’s unconditional love, trust in God’s providential care for us and walk together in God’s Holy Spirit of Pride.”
Sequence of a June 25 homily by Homosexualist James Miracky, a Jesuit, in the church St Francis Xavier, New York City. Archbishop in New York is Cardinal Dolan..
This is Not the Catholic church.
Jan Joseph
Dit is een doodzonde.
John A Cassani
Fr. Miracky was a professor at Holy Cross, in Worcester, MA, when I was a student there. He, and another Jesuit, were kicked out of the Jesuit community house on campus, and they ended up living together in an off campus house.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Two gay guys probably! 🤮
Good grief🤦‍♀️
Dr Bobus
Yet anothere example of why the Jesuits are The Incredible Shrinking Religious Institute.
Do you have a link to this article? Thank you.
God's Holy Spirit of Pride?! Utter blasphemy.
Wilma Lopez
Each of the seven deadly sins should have its own month. December definitely gluttony, January sloth and so on. We need 5 more deadly sins.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The usual elderly,radical liberal and probably homo Jesuit. We should rejoice today, because it is the last day of "Gay Pride Month" !!!!! June 30th. Most places I shopped or went into either myself or with friends did not have any "gay pride" b.s. decorating their business. But the places that did, I took the opportunity to say how much I disagree, and how offended I was by having to see their gay …More
The usual elderly,radical liberal and probably homo Jesuit. We should rejoice today, because it is the last day of "Gay Pride Month" !!!!! June 30th. Most places I shopped or went into either myself or with friends did not have any "gay pride" b.s. decorating their business. But the places that did, I took the opportunity to say how much I disagree, and how offended I was by having to see their gay displays the minute I walked in the door!!!! HAHAHAHA!! 🤪
Louis IX
NYC the Whore of Babylon? 🤔