
Homosex Fairy Tale: Ex-Synod Tries to Manipulate Feelings

During a closed-door session of the ex-synod, a tearful "testimony"" was given about a bisexual woman who committed suicide, blaming her heinous act on the Christ's salvific teaching on human sexuality.

Fr Radcliffe OP repeated this cheap fairy tale in a live-streamed October 18 talk. "Many of us", he said, wept (sic) when we heard about this young woman" adding that I wept." Radcliffe was reminded of Francis [hypocritical] idea that "all are welcome: todos, todos, todos."

None of the ex-synod had asked the obvious questions whether this fairy tale was true, and if so, who this alleged woman was, and what the objective reasons for her suicide were, such as psychological conditions, abortion, homosex fornication, abuse, drugs, eating disorders, parental divorce etc.


Wow, an excellent point is made in this article. A bisexual is assumed to have no trauma, no destructive habits, etc., but it is the church not condoning her lifestyle that caused her to be suicidal... Once again, the question: How is it that the church is getting these crucial issues so terribly wrong? How could they possibly go more in a direction opposite of what is true, good, beautiful and God …More
Wow, an excellent point is made in this article. A bisexual is assumed to have no trauma, no destructive habits, etc., but it is the church not condoning her lifestyle that caused her to be suicidal... Once again, the question: How is it that the church is getting these crucial issues so terribly wrong? How could they possibly go more in a direction opposite of what is true, good, beautiful and God-glorifying?
In the religion of man, feelings have a special place.
It's SIMPLE... Whomsoever rejects God loses the Truth, Way and Life. "Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me."
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If anyone wants a REALLY GOOD
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Sorry, I clicked before I was finished the above post. But if anyone wants a really good laugh, click into this...Moment of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis, 19 October 2023 - YouTube. It's Bergoglio holding a "prayer service" for migrants and refugees. Not only did not all of his participants in his apostate,heretic "Synod" not show up for it, but the Piazza di San Pietro (Square), …More
Sorry, I clicked before I was finished the above post. But if anyone wants a really good laugh, click into this...Moment of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis, 19 October 2023 - YouTube. It's Bergoglio holding a "prayer service" for migrants and refugees. Not only did not all of his participants in his apostate,heretic "Synod" not show up for it, but the Piazza di San Pietro (Square), is totally empty.....totally. HAHAHAHA!!! That's how Popular he is. 😂 😂 😂 😂
Of course they feel despair, that's why it used to be in the DSM I and II and classified as a mental disorder before removing it, not based on sound scientific evidence, but for political reasons.
What was she hearing that left her in such despair? Likely not from a traditional priest. Maybe the false novus ordo “compassion” ?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I'm REALLY sympathetic towards LGBTQ's and their pain aand struggles!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Now if anyone believes that, I'll say that I am going to run for President in 2024 and win!! 😂 😂 😂 😂 🤪
It occurs to me that we are dealing with a culture of death. Not just death by abortion but death by rejecting the purpose of life, the thing which gives life vitality. Genesis says, “it is not good for man to be alone.” When a person turns inward, when their primary focus is sexual gratification, they shut themselves off from others. They reject life as it was ordained to be. The result is a spiral …More
It occurs to me that we are dealing with a culture of death. Not just death by abortion but death by rejecting the purpose of life, the thing which gives life vitality. Genesis says, “it is not good for man to be alone.” When a person turns inward, when their primary focus is sexual gratification, they shut themselves off from others. They reject life as it was ordained to be. The result is a spiral into desperation and degradation. Like gluttons eating wax fruit, they are never satisfied. And life becomes pointless because they have chosen a pointless course. Many do commit suicide. It is an awful shame but telling them wax fruit is just as good as real fruit doesn’t help them. Unless they are grafted on to the source of life, they will wither and die.
Denis Efimov
That is, they were told a certain story, of unknown degree of authenticity, that one woman committed a mortal sin, becoming a sodomite, then committed another mortal sin, disagreeing with the teaching of Christ and the Church on this issue, and finally committed a third mortal sin, by committing suicide. The story of a habitual sinner who apparently ended up in hell because of her persistence in sin.
I recall what my canon law professor taught us;"Hard cases make bad law!" The modernists always try to legislate by exceptions from the norm. Just think of the "trans" epidemic of suicides that is fueling our current nonsense!!