
German Bishop: We Set Aside Traditions And Habits - And Have Zero Seminarians

The homosexualist Essen Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck, Germany, said at the Ex-Synod’s October 21 press conference that in 14 years as a diocesan bishop he had buried 300 priests and ordained 15. Without taking responsibility for this disaster, he told those present that he had ZERO seminarians.

For this reason [= his failure as bishop], Overbeck believes that the Church must consider “other solutions” regarding the “ecclesial spiritual experience.”

After admitting to having set up a system that discourages Catholic men from becoming priests, he went on to say that “we always put Christ at the centre of our faith BUT we put aside tradition and habits.” Overbeck advocated for the [invalid] ordination of women deacons.


Sally Dorman shares this
Nota bene: the bishop of Tyler has been subject to an Apostolic investigation by the Vatican. The German Bishop of Essen, who has openly advocated for the rejection of the Apostolic Tradition, has not even received a mild correction.
Boanerges Boanerges
So this is why they are called the anti church
Krystian N.
He's like a communist. The solution for the communist collapse of economy is more communism.
Paul F
A straightforward dead end. Poor man.
Jan Joseph
Bisschop Overbeck zegt dat hij onbekwaam is om zijn bisdom te besturen en als oplossing wil bisschop Overbeck vrouwen wijden. Bisschop Overbeck is blijkbaar zo onbekwaam dat hij van een puinhoop nog een catastrofe weet te maken.
Sally Dorman
There is more,
Sally Dorman
JD Flynn:
At a Vatican candlelit rosary procession, I talked with an archbishop from Ghana -- a delegate to the synod. He told me: “I don’t think we must change the Church to fit us. We must rather fit ourselves to Jesus Christ and what he wants of us, through the help of the Church.”More
JD Flynn:

At a Vatican candlelit rosary procession, I talked with an archbishop from Ghana -- a delegate to the synod. He told me: “I don’t think we must change the Church to fit us. We must rather fit ourselves to Jesus Christ and what he wants of us, through the help of the Church.”
Denis Efimov
This man is not a Catholic, he is a protestant, an adherent of the "Synodal Church", in which no one is condemned for anything (except for faithful Catholics and those who disagree with globalists).
This poor cleric is not a Catholic - thus he has lost the grace of office, if he ever had it.
When Vatican II took the Catholic out of the Church, things went downhill, I'd say.
The Vatican II church offers people little different than the world so vocations and attendance plummeted. The Synodal Church wants to offer even less. “There is a way that seems right to a man that in the end is death.”
Hound of Heaven
That's convoluted logic if I ever heard it. "We put aside tradition and habits". It didn't work, and now we must change those traditions and habits further(!) "I came not to change the law, but to fulfil it." It doesn't sound like the "centre of our Faith" was all that against traditions and habits. God save us from thinking which puts the ideological cart before the orthodoxically sound horses.
De Profundis
Diane Montagna: "I was not quite clear on what Bishop Overbeck meant in his response, so as soon as the briefing had ended, I went up to him & twice asked explicitly if he meant we need to set aside Apostolic Tradition—and twice he said “yes”, that this is what he meant."