Gloria.TV News on the 2nd of March 2017 Holy Memory: The blog Anonimi della Croce writes that the secret Vatican commission that is working on a new Ecumenical Mass, has Catholic, Lutheran and Anglican …More
Gloria.TV News on the 2nd of March 2017

Holy Memory: The blog Anonimi della Croce writes that the secret Vatican commission that is working on a new Ecumenical Mass, has Catholic, Lutheran and Anglican members. The new Mass will be called "Holy Memory". The same commission is also working on changing the parish concept. The parishes will be turned into Ecumencial communities lead by an team of pastors who can belong to different denominations.

God Has Other Plans: Anonimi della Croce cites a text by the Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, written in April 1823. Quote: "I saw that many pastors had become involved in ideas that were dangerous for the Church. They were building a big, strange, and extravagant Church. Everyone had to be admitted in it to be united and to have equal rights: Evangelicals, Catholics and sects of every denomination. Such had to be the new Church... But God had other plans."

Verbiage: At a Downing Street reception for religious leaders last Tuesday, Theresa May said that people must feel able "to speak about their faith, and that absolutely includes their faith in Christ." Archbishopcranmer.com writes that while May was extolling freedom of speech, two Christian street preachers were being convicted in Bristol Magistrates' Court for having preached on sin, salvation and the uniqueness of Christ in a Shopping Centre.

Only Missiles and Market: Catholic League's Bill Donohue has criticized Donald Trump's first speech to the Congress. The speech was extolled by the Fake-News media. Quote: "The problem with Trump's speech is that it only spoke about missiles and markets, never citing morality." The following words were never mentioned: abortion, assisted suicide, religion, religious liberty, and religious exemptions.
I cannot get answers for my complains and requests why my posts, videos are removed with no explanations... We are losing videos and posts critical of false pope Francis Bergoglio or critical of Jew Talmudic religion , or critics of incorporating Islam into Catholic religion, or about Masonry in the Church.
Who is the Big Brother providing Censorship to this Forum, mainly to Polish section?
Do you …More
I cannot get answers for my complains and requests why my posts, videos are removed with no explanations... We are losing videos and posts critical of false pope Francis Bergoglio or critical of Jew Talmudic religion , or critics of incorporating Islam into Catholic religion, or about Masonry in the Church.
Who is the Big Brother providing Censorship to this Forum, mainly to Polish section?
Do you lose many videos in English section?
The leading Modernist, heretic, Jew lover, gay lover, Allah worshiper logs as W obronie Tradycji Kościoła , he looks like untouchable, his videos are always on top of the home page, He is aggressive, fear mongering dude in Polish section.
He calls people home tel lines, he threatens all of users with policing, prosecutors etc..
He uses about a dozen IDs...he posts users addresses, real names and date of birth!!
Admin does not remove such posts...but the posts of Traditional Catholics just vanish each and every day!
May I have your opinion on that? in English section?
God Bless all!
breathtaking news...
The Catholic Christian voters and proponents of Donald Trump expect of course a clear statement against the worldwide abortion, porn- and violence industries, homo marriages, enforced atheist- and sexual school teaching, tyranny, oppression etc., and of course his detachment from the UN organizations that promote it all.
It must also be self-evident that he as alleged Christian and President of the …More
The Catholic Christian voters and proponents of Donald Trump expect of course a clear statement against the worldwide abortion, porn- and violence industries, homo marriages, enforced atheist- and sexual school teaching, tyranny, oppression etc., and of course his detachment from the UN organizations that promote it all.
It must also be self-evident that he as alleged Christian and President of the United States of America, must cleans the United Nations organization in New York from all Nations and governments that committ all these crimes against humanity.
If we don´t cleanse the earth from all these abominations, God will do it.
Bible researchers have said that 3000 Bible prophecies have been fulfilled, certainly the remaining prophecies will also be fulfilled.
"...Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man: People were eating and drinking, marrying and being given in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.
It will be the same as in the days of Lot: People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But on the day Lot left Sodom, fire and brimstone rained down from heaven and destroyed them all." Luke 17,26-29
"Popes are only entitled to obedience when they hand down the Deposit of the Faith unadulterated." Leopoldo Eulogio Palacios
Holy Cannoli
Only Missiles and Market: The problem with Trump's speech is that it only spoke about missiles and markets, never citing morality." The following words were never mentioned: abortion, assisted suicide, religion, religious liberty, and religious exemptions.
The problem with chubby Billy Donahue's statement is that Trump has had plenty to say about abortion and other moral issues both during the …More
Only Missiles and Market: The problem with Trump's speech is that it only spoke about missiles and markets, never citing morality." The following words were never mentioned: abortion, assisted suicide, religion, religious liberty, and religious exemptions.

The problem with chubby Billy Donahue's statement is that Trump has had plenty to say about abortion and other moral issues both during the campaign and after the election. The fact that Trump does not bring it up every time he speaks is irrelevant. Trump is pro-life and will promote religious freedom and fat Billy knows it.

Donahue continues: many Republicans only goals are making money and protecting national security.

Actually, fat Billy is also quite interested in “making money.” (Billy paid himself a salary of $474, 876 in 2013). Would fault finding fat-cats like Donahue and Co. have preferred Hillary as president? I'm sure she would have had plenty to say about “moral issues” like abortion, etc.

The sole reason porcine Billy wrote this hit piece on Trump is to appeal to his brain dead dopey donors who generously finance him and his private golden goose, the Catholic League. Some of those donors, no doubt, did vote for Hillary regardless of her permissive stances on abortion, assisted suicide and her negative attitude toward religious liberty and religious exemptions. A Clinton administration would surely have been a continuation of Hussein's policies and a disaster for Catholics and other Christian denominations. The Trump presidency is considerably better for the American economy and for faith based institutions especially compared to the Obama Clinton alternative.

In his criticism of Trump's speech, Billy Donahue is just being Billy Donahue. A big mouth, perpetually angry, chronic pain in the rear whose sole motivation is to energize the donors that pay his $ ½ million dollar/year salary. 👌
The Bergolutheranians
So Bergoglio Lutero is founding his own ecumenical church , and he is trying to convert the (Infidels) Catholics to his new religion.
As always:
THANKS for the News Gloria.TV The More Catholic the Better.
Blessed Anne Catherine ; pray for us.