
Francis Calls Preserving the Faith a "Temptation"

Francis presented at the February 2 Candlemas an [allegedly] “renewed vision” of consecrated life. It consists of clichés such as: we cannot "pretend not to see these signs, "continue as if nothing …More
Francis presented at the February 2 Candlemas an [allegedly] “renewed vision” of consecrated life.
It consists of clichés such as: we cannot "pretend not to see these signs, "continue as if nothing had happened," "repeating the same old things," "drag ourselves through inertia into the forms of the past," "be paralysed by fear of change.”
Francis' forms of the past in which he is trapped are the disastrous recipes of Vatican II. Paralysed by fear of change, Francis is unable to overcome them.
Therefore he said correctly that in the Council Church the "temptation" is to "go backwards, out of security, out of fear" and try to preserve the "founding [Vatican II] charism." Restoring the beauty of the Church and of religious life would indeed result in a huge uproar of the lords of this world of which Francis and his bishops are deadly afraid.
His "temptation to go backwards and preserve [Vatican II] ‘traditions’ with rigidity" - Traditionis Custodes is an especially repugnant example for …More
Mason Trevalho
Yes, he is an antipope. And a heretic. But he's running the Church like a good Peronist. He has blackmail on everyone. And out of fear of being exposed, no one will challenge him. This explains why Cardinal Sarah suddenly changed his tune on the "pope". Please God, help us.
Jan Joseph
Vaticanum 2 is een totaal achterhaald geloof.
Angelo Santelli
Pope Francis: "let’s think about those who have denied the faith, who are apostates, who are the persecutors of the Church, who have denied their baptism: Are these also at home?” Yes, these too. The blasphemers, all of them. We are brothers. This is the Communion of Saints."
The Argentinian is nuts.More
Pope Francis: "let’s think about those who have denied the faith, who are apostates, who are the persecutors of the Church, who have denied their baptism: Are these also at home?” Yes, these too. The blasphemers, all of them. We are brothers. This is the Communion of Saints."

The Argentinian is nuts.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
He's also a heretic. All good cardinaks,bishops, priests, etc. should ignore him. Too bad we can't storm the Vatican and force him and his homo associates out, like in a coup.
Louis IX
Why has no bishop reminded Francis that the Church does not and never has judged internals, only what is manifested? His often cited rigid straw-men can only be based on his presumptions of people’s internal motivations and judgements upon their character because what is clearly manifested by the so called ‘rigid’ who seek to preserve tradition is Roman Catholicism in all its faith, beauty and …More
Why has no bishop reminded Francis that the Church does not and never has judged internals, only what is manifested? His often cited rigid straw-men can only be based on his presumptions of people’s internal motivations and judgements upon their character because what is clearly manifested by the so called ‘rigid’ who seek to preserve tradition is Roman Catholicism in all its faith, beauty and charity. Only God can judge what goes on in the hearts of men.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Because its become a worthless "church", following the "cult of the Pope". Francis could say tomorrow we're going to have married priests, women priests, LGBTQ priests, transgender seminarians, celebrating Mass is t-shirts and jeans, Luther canonization, Hitler re-habilitation as a good Christian, etc. and these Cardinals and Bishops would nod their heads and applaud like the Red Guards did at a …More
Because its become a worthless "church", following the "cult of the Pope". Francis could say tomorrow we're going to have married priests, women priests, LGBTQ priests, transgender seminarians, celebrating Mass is t-shirts and jeans, Luther canonization, Hitler re-habilitation as a good Christian, etc. and these Cardinals and Bishops would nod their heads and applaud like the Red Guards did at a Mao tse Tung rally and shout "Yes Holy Father, Whatever you say, Holy Father!! Jesus wasn't really God....yes Holy Father....Hell doesn't exist, Yes Holy Father Francis!!!":
I see what you're doing here - turning Francis' own words against him. Unfortunately, for liberals & hypocrites this tactic never seems to work. They are too "woke" to see the the logic of it.
Ursula Sankt
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
He sat there, full of disease, and yet still pontificated his heresy to the religious assembled, most wanting very much to be faithful to the Faith and preserve it. He insulted most of them, except for the few habitless white haired shurnken and wrinkled old nuns, and similar priests who represent the Francis vision, failed vision. He sat there and preached outright heresy. And these idiot Cardinals …More
He sat there, full of disease, and yet still pontificated his heresy to the religious assembled, most wanting very much to be faithful to the Faith and preserve it. He insulted most of them, except for the few habitless white haired shurnken and wrinkled old nuns, and similar priests who represent the Francis vision, failed vision. He sat there and preached outright heresy. And these idiot Cardinals, many of who do not think like him (but are faithful Catholics), do nothing. I wish the Lord would remove Francis from the life of the Church, and his associates.
Wilma Lopez
A British traditional Catholic priest who was once imprisoned and tortured in a Burmese jail is openly challenging Pope Francis’ efforts to suppress the Church’s ancient Roman liturgy.’
‘“..as all generations before us have passed on the Deposit of Faith, so for the sake of future generations we must not drop the ball.”’
Father Mawdsley: Francis Is Like Herod Or Caiaphas