Argentina: Bishops and Cardinals Commit Liturgical Abuse

In less than a decade, the Novus Ordo Church has destroyed a liturgical edifice of incredible beauty that took millennia to build, writes (14 March): "And we still go about our business as if nothing had happened."

Caminante publishes the image of a splendid Holy Mass in the Roman Rite, and juxtaposes it with photos of two Argentinean bishops engaged in liturgical abuses in the Novus Ordo. Francis rigidly "forbids" the first, while he promotes the second. Caminante calls this hypocrisy.

One picture shows Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo Redondo Castanera, 57, of Quilmes, Buenos Aires, presiding at a Eucharist during a meeting of Caritas volunteers on 29 December 2023.

The elderly gentleman is seated on the floor, wearing a multicoloured stole, with a mate next to the chalice and a rag doll symbolising "Our Lady".

The second is Cardinal Angel Rossi S.J., Archbishop of Cordoba, Argentina, on the occasion of his visit to the local deanery on 5 March. Wearing short sleeves, he is waving the Blessed Sacrament in front of his oversized belly believing that this is a "Eucharistic blessing".

The man kneeling in the pictures is Cordoba's Auxiliary Bishop Horacio Alvarez, 67. The rest - priests and bishops - felt no need to move their bums in honour of the Blessed Sacrament.

Cardinal Rossi is a member of the Vatican's Dicastery for the fight against Divine Liturgy.

In the Novus Ordo, anything goes as long as it is irreverent, secularised and destructive. Everything else is persecuted. This is the way Francis wants it.

Picture:, #newsVzohdghhuz
NO churches s are a perfect reflection of that new religion
Opera 369
As, one of his main sons proclaimed, that awful night of March 13, 2013: Argentina, "the end of the earth"! What is right after the end of the earth? The abyss/inferno! ? These people are right at home!
This infantile expression makes a mockery of our faith. I recall back in seminary when we were "invited/told" to sit on the floor at some presentation by a laywoman - we stayed in our chairs. She was not pleased, called us out for our rigidity & chauvinism.
Ivan Tomas
It should have been said to her something like: - Go behind me satan!
Defeat Modernism
The New Mass can only be liturgical abuse because it is condemned by Session 7, Canon 13 of the Council of Trent and by Pope St. Pius V in Quo Primum, end of story.
Jan Joseph
Deze discussie is een beetje achterhaald, tussen de gelovigen van de Novo Ordo Heilige Mis en de gelovigen van de Romeinse Heilige Mis is een schisma ontstaan, beide groepen gelovigen gaan hun eigen gang. Er is helaas niets meer wat hen verbind.
Ban the Novus Ordo!