
Cardinal Burke: Society of St Pius X “in Schism”

“The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) is in schism since the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre ordained four bishops without the mandate of the Roman Pontiff”, Cardinal Raymond Burke said in July at the …More
“The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) is in schism since the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre ordained four bishops without the mandate of the Roman Pontiff”, Cardinal Raymond Burke said in July at the Sacred Liturgy Conference in Medford, Oregon.
According to an audio of the talk published on akacatholic.com Burke said it is “not legitimate to attend Mass or to receive the sacraments" in a SSPX church.
Commenting on Pope Francis' decision to give to the SSPX faculties to celebrate marriages and to hear confessions, Burke states, “There is no canonical explanation for it, and it is simply an anomaly.”
Picture: © Jim, the Photographer, CC BY, #newsKuryjnfiml
Lionel L. Andrades
He is illicit if you can show us how.
I have shown how he is heretical.No one has been able to show me how I am wrong.
I have expressed myself with precise theology and doctrine.
...said the illicit Cardinal.
Lionel L. Andrades
The issue is Vatican Council II. Cardinal Burke accepts Vatican Council II(Cushingite) and the SSPX reject it.They are correct that it is a rupture with Tradition.
I affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) which is a traditional and I reject Vatican Council (Cushingite).
The SSPX and Cardinal Burke act as if they do not know what is Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) or cannot discuss it.
With …More
The issue is Vatican Council II. Cardinal Burke accepts Vatican Council II(Cushingite) and the SSPX reject it.They are correct that it is a rupture with Tradition.
I affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) which is a traditional and I reject Vatican Council (Cushingite).
The SSPX and Cardinal Burke act as if they do not know what is Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) or cannot discuss it.
With Vatican Council II ( Feneeyite) which is rational and traditional the SSPX would meet Pope Francis' requirement to accept Vatican Council II.Cardinal Burke can then no more say that they are in schism.
It appears that Bernie Fellay's compliments to Burke aren't reciprocated. Burke is showing his true colors accusing the SSPX of being in schism. Doesn't matter how many Latin masses he offers albeit in private.
I guess that means that Lefebvre should have obeyed commands and gone quietly into oblivion and the traditional mass would have gone with him. If that had happened, today we would be all good, obedient little protestants under Che Francis.
Pius the X are looking so very good at the moment while the church of Rome ordains homos and allows fornicators to receive communion. If Christ came down right now who do you think would be the goats?!
Lionel L. Andrades
The issue is Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).
The SSPX has to simply affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and reject the Vatican Council II (Cushingite) which is accepted by the Vatican and Cardinal Raymond Burke. The SSPX must continue to reject Vatican Council II(Cushingite).
Then it cannot be said that they are in schism.
Instead they should ask the two popes and Cardinal Burke to accept Vatican …
The issue is Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).
The SSPX has to simply affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and reject the Vatican Council II (Cushingite) which is accepted by the Vatican and Cardinal Raymond Burke. The SSPX must continue to reject Vatican Council II(Cushingite).
Then it cannot be said that they are in schism.
Instead they should ask the two popes and Cardinal Burke to accept Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) instead of Vatican Council II( Cushingite) otherwise they would be in heresy.
Vatican Council II(Feeneyite) is in harmony with the old ecclesiology of the Church, so there would be no change for the SSPX on the issue of ecumenism and outside the Church there being no salvation.
With the old ecclesiology intact theologically there would be no basis for the Vatican supporting the new theology and salvation outside the Church.
Lionel L. Andrades
MAY 20, 2017
Vatican Council II is triumphalistic. SSPX wake up from your sleep endorse Vatican Council II (Feeneyite).Ask the Synod cardinals to do the same
MAY 20, 2016

AUGUST 19, 2016
No denial from the SSPX: dogmas and …More
MAY 20, 2017

Vatican Council II is triumphalistic. SSPX wake up from your sleep endorse Vatican Council II (Feeneyite).Ask the Synod cardinals to do the same


MAY 20, 2016


AUGUST 19, 2016

No denial from the SSPX: dogmas and doctrine changed

Our Lady of Sorrows
SSPX have not changed any teachings or doctrine of the church from when it was established by Jesus Christ himself, unlike the "Uncatholic" church today which is full of heretics (inside the church) who are trying their best to destroy her. When is Cardinal Burke going to call them out also! What is his arguments against them? SSPX is a soft target. Why doesn't he spend his time doing the Correction …More
SSPX have not changed any teachings or doctrine of the church from when it was established by Jesus Christ himself, unlike the "Uncatholic" church today which is full of heretics (inside the church) who are trying their best to destroy her. When is Cardinal Burke going to call them out also! What is his arguments against them? SSPX is a soft target. Why doesn't he spend his time doing the Correction and calling out Cardinal Marx and rest of the heretics
Angie W.
As Father jamacor said:
The great unresolved problem is that if these are in schism, what do we do with heretics, at all levels of the Catholic Hierarchy, who manifest heresy?
Why are they not punished with the foreseen canonical penalties? This is a very serious anomaly!
Angie W.
Bergoglio and his own are in Schism against St. Peter and also all who follow Amoris Laetitia are in Schism against JESUS CHRIST and in Schism against the Dogmatic Council of Trent and in Schism against the Magisterium and in Schism against all the legitimate Popes that have existed.