
Half of the Words of Jesus Are “Faked”

The German journalist and modernist Franz Alt, 79, believes “half of the words of Jesus” in the Gospels are wrongly translated or were deliberately faked. Alt said this in the context of Pope Francis’ proposal to falsify the translation of the Our Father.

Talking to Bild am Sonntag he said that for him the Bible is only “word of man about the experience with God”.

Alt considers himself a Catholic.

Picture: Franz Alt, © Bigi Alt, wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsIxjfcwixjf
I call you an awful lot of things - but "Catholic" is not one of them.
PS Cease describing yourself as "Catholic". Then you won't later be accused by the Lord of "bearing false witness"More
I call you an awful lot of things - but "Catholic" is not one of them.

PS Cease describing yourself as "Catholic". Then you won't later be accused by the Lord of "bearing false witness"
The first bibles to be written were transcribed at the direction of the king. He paid to have them prepared. You can be sure that the words transcribed were chosen with care to make sure the king was not upset with the publication.
Look at the way our government works today. Every law that's put into service as to have the approval of elected officials that don't want to upset their main contributors …More
The first bibles to be written were transcribed at the direction of the king. He paid to have them prepared. You can be sure that the words transcribed were chosen with care to make sure the king was not upset with the publication.

Look at the way our government works today. Every law that's put into service as to have the approval of elected officials that don't want to upset their main contributors. At the time of the writing bible I'm sure they knew a carefully written version of the bible was better than no bible and GOD would eventually get the words corrected. If there were no bible at all the words would eventually be lost forever.
What revolts me is that these people consider themselves catholics
another iluminato ,since the 1st century has been heretics like this one , trying to deceive people , resist and ,pray
Alt (aka god) has spoken. The Church knows nothings, Alt knows all.
Chesterton: "There are those who hate Christianity and call their hatred an all-embracing love for all religions."