"Bergoglio Preaches Universal Salvation"

Bergoglio: “The Lord is Good and Will Save Everyone”. After almost nine years of the continuing “Pope Francis” charade, we all know that its chief protagonist, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio, …More
Bergoglio: “The Lord is Good and Will Save Everyone”.
After almost nine years of the continuing “Pope Francis” charade, we all know that its chief protagonist, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio, blathers incessantly. If you blink, chances are you will miss something he said.
Ordinarily, that wouldn’t be a bad thing, considering the pseudo-spiritual tripe that usually gushes forth from his lips. However, when you’re trying to keep up with the heresies, blasphemies, and other errors or impieties Bergoglio cranks out, missing a beat is risky business.
Source: novusordowatch.org/2022/01/francis-lord-will-save-everyone/
On Sep. 15, 2021, while he was aboard Airhead One returning to Rome from his trip to Slovakia, the Jesuit pretend-pope had a lot to say, and we covered a good deal of it here:
Miles Christi articles in Novus Ordo Watch:
Francis jokes about Jewish Woman receiving “Communion”, addresses Amoris Laetitia and Abortion However, ladies …More