Mother Teresa of Calcutta on Irish Television, 1974 We will be judged on how we treat the poor. The immigrant. The homeless. The poor are our salvation. Mother Teresa's contemplative life was through …More
Mother Teresa of Calcutta on Irish Television, 1974

We will be judged on how we treat the poor. The immigrant. The homeless. The poor are our salvation. Mother Teresa's contemplative life was through service to the poor, Jesus' most distressing disguise. Our Holy Father Pope Francis is saying the same thing. The truth never changes. Wherever is the poor, the helpless, the fatherless, motherless orphan, the one in need, there is Christ, waiting for us.

In her second appearance on Irish television Mother Teresa of Calcutta talks to Nodlaig McCarthy about her life and work. The first broadcast aired on September 15, 1974.
The poor are not my salvation. Christ is.
Our Lady of Fatima came for the souls of POOR SINNERS!
There is only ONE Catholic Church and it is increasingly obvious you are not a part of it. @Defeat Modernism You choose only what teachings and rituals and saints suit your own prejudices. In that, you are the same as Bishop Marx and the other radicals in Germany. Their basis for schism is the opposite of yours but the result remains the same.
Defeat Modernism
She is a 'saint' of the Novus Ordo, but not of the Catholic Church. She didn't care about the souls of the poor. She let them die outside the Church which is a wicked thing to do. She also did not have the Faith as it is taught by the Church. This article covers it traditioninaction.org/HotTopics/a013htMotherTeresa.htm
@Defeat Modernism I cannot share your sentiments about her not caring for souls.
The way she spent her life would seem to argue against that accusation.
I suspect you are just trying to emphasize the statements attributed to her about interpretation of God in other religions and the value or similarity they contain with The True Triune God. (which if she said them, I don't agree with her position)…More
@Defeat Modernism I cannot share your sentiments about her not caring for souls.
The way she spent her life would seem to argue against that accusation.
I suspect you are just trying to emphasize the statements attributed to her about interpretation of God in other religions and the value or similarity they contain with The True Triune God. (which if she said them, I don't agree with her position) I don't know why she said those things. Maybe those responsible for her beatification do know why, and we are reading them out of context?
I think she did care about their souls.
Unless you have psychic powers or a direct quote, you don't know what Mother Teresa "cared about". @Defeat Modernism Display one or the other, else withdraw your claim. There is only One Catholic Church and it, not you, ascertains sainthood. To think, I have to explain this to a self-described "traditionalist". :P
"She didn't care about the souls of the poor. She let them die outside the Church …More
Unless you have psychic powers or a direct quote, you don't know what Mother Teresa "cared about". @Defeat Modernism Display one or the other, else withdraw your claim. There is only One Catholic Church and it, not you, ascertains sainthood. To think, I have to explain this to a self-described "traditionalist". :P

"She didn't care about the souls of the poor. She let them die outside the Church which is a wicked thing to do. "

...said the anti-Semite. :D
@Defeat Modernism
Interesting link you posted, worth reading.
This is not a new debate by any means, and was a hot topic in the day.
Mother Theresa is a Catholic saint and you arbitrarily calling her a "heretic" is in defiance of The Church's official standpoint @Defeat Modernism
why call Mother Theresa as an heretic .?what she has done for the poor specially the children ,not too many human beings have done ,she was also pro life champion ,how does one know she dint take care of the souls of the people this is rediculous ,and irresponsable
Defeat Modernism
I call her one because she didn't care about the souls of the poor. She let them die outside the Church which is a wicked thing to do. She also did not have the Faith as it is taught by the Church. This article covers it traditioninaction.org/HotTopics/a013htMotherTeresa.htm
Defeat Modernism
We will be judged on whether or not we have the true Faith. You can do all the good you want to the poor but if you have not the Faith it will do you no good. Mother Theresa was a heretic sadly. She cared not for the souls of the poor. traditioninaction.org/HotTopics/a013htMotherTeresa.htm
Holy Cannoli
Mother Theresa was a heretic sadly.
Mother Teresa is a saint. you idiot.
One reason why PR should never become a state. There are too many self-righteous jerks who think they know more than the Catholic church in the beatification of Mother Teresa and her cannonization. 🤪🥴😴More
Mother Theresa was a heretic sadly.

Mother Teresa is a saint. you idiot.

One reason why PR should never become a state. There are too many self-righteous jerks who think they know more than the Catholic church in the beatification of Mother Teresa and her cannonization. 🤪🥴😴
So is Pope Paul VI, John XXIII and Pope John Paul II....now, again, what is your point about being a saint?
"Mother Teresa is a saint"
Oh yes. Like Montini and Escriba, and good old Roncalli loved by the Commies. A brand new class of sainthood.
Holy Cannoli
You all stars think YOU ARE the Catholic Church. You are no more Catholic than my neighbor's cat. If you don't like, oppose, object to, deny or are offended by what the Catholic Church teaches infallibly (incapable of erring) then YOU ARE THE PROBLEM and YOU ARE NOT CATHOLIC and you ought to be permanently banished from this and all other Catholic websites.
Holy Cannoli
The First Vatican Council exercised the infallibility of an Ecumenical Council to define papal infallibility: catholicplanet.com/TSM/infallibility-canonizations.htm
Therefore, faithfully adhering to the tradition received from the beginning of the Christian faith, for the glory of God our Saviour, the exaltation of the Catholic religion, and the salvation of the Christian people, with the approval …More
The First Vatican Council exercised the infallibility of an Ecumenical Council to define papal infallibility: catholicplanet.com/TSM/infallibility-canonizations.htm

Therefore, faithfully adhering to the tradition received from the beginning of the Christian faith, for the glory of God our Saviour, the exaltation of the Catholic religion, and the salvation of the Christian people, with the approval of the sacred council, We teach and define that it is a dogma divinely revealed: that the Roman Pontiff, when he speaks ex cathedra, that is, when in the discharge of the office of pastor and teacher of all Christians, by virtue of his supreme Apostolic authority, he defines a doctrine regarding faith or morals to be held by the universal Church, is, by the divine assistance promised to him in Blessed Peter, possessed of that infallibility with which the divine Redeemer willed that His Church should be endowed in defining doctrine regarding faith or morals; and that, therefore, such definitions of the Roman Pontiff are of themselves, and not from the consent of the Church, irreformable. But if anyone—which may God avert!—presume to contradict this our definition, let him be anathema.
(First Vatican Council, Pastor Aeternus, chap. 4.)
One more comment from Holy Cannoli
Holy Cannoli
Note: . But if anyone—which may God avert!—presume to contradict this our definition, let him be anathema. 😱
@Defeat Modernism
I know some Very Catholic Puerto Ricans including religious!
That may be true, rhemes1582 But Holy Cannoli is still, technically correct. Defeat Modernism is "One reason why PR should never become a state."
Holy Cannoli
Defeat Common Sense (“St. Mother Teresa is a heretic”) Is one of the group of simple minded disgruntled schmucks at GTV who (along with other non Catholic complaints) think that the mass must be said in Latin because that’s the only language God understands. 😱
My issue with PR is that in practical terms Puerto Rico will vote just like the Ricans in the USA: overwhelmingly Democrat. …More
Defeat Common Sense (“St. Mother Teresa is a heretic”) Is one of the group of simple minded disgruntled schmucks at GTV who (along with other non Catholic complaints) think that the mass must be said in Latin because that’s the only language God understands. 😱

My issue with PR is that in practical terms Puerto Rico will vote just like the Ricans in the USA: overwhelmingly Democrat. The bogus they “lean Republican” stuff is just propaganda. In theory all Hispanics lean Republican because of their religion and social views (abortion, sexual perversions). However, none of that materializes when it’s time to vote against the gringos and for more free stuff promised by the Demorats. 🤑 🤑 🤑
"The First Vatican Council exercised the infallibility of an Ecumenical Council to define papal infallibility"
And an eagle is a bird of prey. Both sentences have nothing to do with post-conciliar faulty beatification and canonization proceedings.
Holy Cannoli
Look at this brilliance of the following comment: Both sentences have nothing to do with post-conciliar faulty beatification and canonization proceedings. 🥴🤪🥴
We don't need the Catholic Church when we have "one of the group of simple minded disgruntled schmucks at GTV" to guide us as to what are and what are not faulty canonizations.More
Look at this brilliance of the following comment: Both sentences have nothing to do with post-conciliar faulty beatification and canonization proceedings. 🥴🤪🥴

We don't need the Catholic Church when we have "one of the group of simple minded disgruntled schmucks at GTV" to guide us as to what are and what are not faulty canonizations.
I haven't kept up with all of Defeat Modernism's fail but they do give "traditionalists" a bad name. @Holy Cannoli I personally believe the Mass should be said in Latin (for a number of reasons) but since The Church says the Mass can be said in the vernacular, I defer to its collective wisdom. After all, the readings and the homily/ sermon are all said in the vernacular already -even in the …More
I haven't kept up with all of Defeat Modernism's fail but they do give "traditionalists" a bad name. @Holy Cannoli I personally believe the Mass should be said in Latin (for a number of reasons) but since The Church says the Mass can be said in the vernacular, I defer to its collective wisdom. After all, the readings and the homily/ sermon are all said in the vernacular already -even in the Traditional Latin Mass. Unlike Defeat Modernism, I don't set myself as an arbiter of The Church's teachings any more than I do when it comes to deciding sainthood.

I fully agree with you on the political aspects of PR. I was trying, apparently unsuccessfully, to defuse the issue. Don't let VRS rattle you. They appear only when there's conflict. VRS will return to the Polish language section when it either ends or someone strats slapping them around. Then it isn't "fun" anymore. Your call how you want to proceed.