
Coadjutor: Francis De Facto Sacks Providence Bishop

In a surprise move, Francis appointed Rockville Centre Auxiliary Bishop Richard Henning, 58, as Coadjutor Bishop to Bishop Thomas Tobin, 74, of Providence, Rhode Island.

A coadjutor automatically succeeds once the resignation of the diocesan bishop is accepted, therefore appointing a coadjutor turns a diocesan bishop into a lame duck. Tobin will turn 75 in April. He is one of the best bishops in the US.

In August he challenged the rigidity of Francis' Traditionis Custodes. In December 2020, he questioned the Vatican's decision to "allow" bishops to prohibit the reception of Holy Communion because of Covid.

In October 2020, he criticised Francis' disordered love for homosex. In June 2019, he was threatened by violent homosexualists.

In February 2019, Tobin thanked Cardinal Müller for reaffirming the Catholic Faith. In March 2019 he raised questions about Amoris Laetitia.

Now, Synodality Francis took vengeance on him.


Stay strong, Bishop Tobin - thank you for being a real Bishop - stay close to Our Lady - "do whatever HE tells you," as Our Lady counsels us - let us all pray for Bishop Tobin!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
It will all backfire on Fancis' people in the end. He'll be dead, and his thugs will be suffering thru what faithful Catholics are now. The difference is, they will soon disappear, but the Faithful Catholics (aka traditionalists) will not.
Malki Tzedek
Appalling. And heretical theologians and pro-abort 'Catholics' are forgiven and praised. No matter how low, Francis finds 'new depths' to sink.
John A Cassani
Very bad news, but not surprising. Bishop Tobin stands against everything the “big shots” promote.