
Benedict XVI: Exclusive Text About Origin of Homosexual Abuses

The collapse of sexual morality, called “sexual freedom,” promoted by the State, began in the 1960s. It was the context for the spreading of homosexual abuses in the Church, Benedict XVI writes in a long …More
The collapse of sexual morality, called “sexual freedom,” promoted by the State, began in the 1960s. It was the context for the spreading of homosexual abuses in the Church, Benedict XVI writes in a long article published in the Bavarian Klerusblatt.
He notices that “pedophilia was diagnosed as allowed and appropriate” while Catholic moral theology “suffered a collapse” that rendered the Church “defenseless against these changes in society.”
“In various seminaries homosexual clubs were established,” Benedict adds. And, “One bishop, who had previously been seminary rector, arranged for the seminarians to be shown pornographic films.”
He recalls that “in not a few seminaries, students caught reading my books were considered unsuitable for the priesthood. My books were hidden away, like bad literature, and only read under the desk.”
Benedict stresses that the homosexual abuses of minors (Ratzinger uses the misleading term “pedophilia”) did not become acute until the second half of the …More
Very telling, Benedict refers offhandedly to pornography being assigned as required viewing in a seminary but nobody wonders (it was Detroit seminary).
IS THE POPE EMERITUS FINALLY ACKNOWLEDGING HOMOSEXUALITY AS THE ROOT PROBLEM? 60s culture was certainly a large factor. But it was a symptom of the larger war of satan vs Jesus' Church forseen by Leo XIII in his famous vision after daily mass. Many see the modern beginning in the French Revolution: fatima.org/…/pope-francis-ca…
Benedict broke his silence once again to write a document with 6.0000 words supremely self-centered.
It is a shame he didn't write this in 2002 to launch a reform if the seminaries. Unfortunately, he does not address how easily seminary directors who were of his generation didn't put a kabash on these sexually liberated future priests. Maybe because of the "reforms" of Paul Vi that got rid of the minor orders and laicising so many functions of the priesthood. After all, Pope Paul VI I wanted a new …More
It is a shame he didn't write this in 2002 to launch a reform if the seminaries. Unfortunately, he does not address how easily seminary directors who were of his generation didn't put a kabash on these sexually liberated future priests. Maybe because of the "reforms" of Paul Vi that got rid of the minor orders and laicising so many functions of the priesthood. After all, Pope Paul VI I wanted a new priesthood for the new Mass. And so, here we are today.
He was preparing in catacumbs to launch tha 'atomic' remedy - "Summorum Pontificum" - in the corrupt world - and successful. Give the true pope a break from more godly criticism than God's. Pray form him. At least try...
"In conversations with victims of pedophilia, .... A young woman who was a [former] altar server told me that the chaplain, her superior as an altar server, always introduced the sexual abuse he was committing against her with the words: 'This is my body which will be given up for you'.”
This is a quote from Papa Raztinger's newest allocution. He mentions the case of a girl being molested by a …More
"In conversations with victims of pedophilia, .... A young woman who was a [former] altar server told me that the chaplain, her superior as an altar server, always introduced the sexual abuse he was committing against her with the words: 'This is my body which will be given up for you'.”

This is a quote from Papa Raztinger's newest allocution. He mentions the case of a girl being molested by a priest, while the main problem is the impure sins committed by priests against altar boys, seminarians and among themselves. Ratzinger actively participates in obscuring the matter of sodomy and its relationship with pederasty - he is putting his hand to destroying the Roman Catholic church. The cultural German joined forces with that crude Argentinean. First, the Rhine entered the Tiber, and now La Plata - the sewer of all heresies is flooding the Eternal City.
De Profundis
"A world without God can only be a world without meaning . . . A society without God, a society that does not know Him and treats Him as non-existent, is a society that loses its measure." (Pope Benedict XVI)
De Profundis
Damian Thompson Von Twitter: "Many Catholics will interpret this as the moment when Benedict finally lost patience with his successor; they will feel confused. Others will be outraged by the near-pontical tone adopted by an ex-pope who had promised to remain silent. But..."
Lisi Sterndorfer
Liberal response to Benedict's letter
Benedict XVI: “It is very important to oppose the lies and half-truths of the devil with the whole truth: Yes, there is sin in the Church and evil. But even today there is the Holy Church, which is indestructible”
Lisi Sterndorfer
Benedict outlined already in his book "Light of the World" the same causes of the sexual abuse crisis.
Benedict writes that during the 1960s, “In various seminaries homosexual cliques were established, which acted more or less openly and significantly changed the climate in the seminaries.”