
Another Bishop: Amoris Laetitia Needs Clarification

There is no possibility to give Holy Communion to couples living in irregular situations according to Monsignor Ryszard Karpinski, the former auxiliary bishop of Lublin, Poland, reports lafedequotidiana.it (November 21).

"We are faced with mortal sin and it is not conceivable to change the doctrine of the Church, or to go against the Gospel and Catechism. One thing is the Pope's loving pastoral zeal, another thing is abusing the sacraments."

Karpinski states that Amoris Laetitia must be read in John Paul II’s Familiaris Consortio. He believes that it needs a clarification.

Picture: Ryszard Karpinski, © Ryszard Hołubowicz, CC BY-SA, #newsBrgggofpom
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De Profundis
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We're hearing from former bishops. Are there also any bishops out there who would like to join the ranks of "former bishops" that would like to speak the truth? 😀 🙄