Next Stage: Tucho "Allows" Homosexual Pseudo-Marriages

This is the latest rabbit Tucho Fernández, head of the Vatican's Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, has pulled out of his top hat. Quote: "Many do not know that some [homosexual] couples, …More
This is the latest rabbit Tucho Fernández, head of the Vatican's Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, has pulled out of his top hat.
Quote: "Many do not know that some [homosexual] couples, whose [pseudo-]blessing has caused quite a scandal, are people who live together and share everything except sex, which [for them] is a thing of their past," Tucho told (30 May).
If this is true, why was this crucial fact not made public before the two concubines were pseudo-blessed, causing a huge scandal of which Matthew 18:6 says: "But whosoever shall cause scandal in one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea"?
Tucho still insists on his ridiculous distinction between the "blessing of homosexual concubines" and the "blessing of two persons living in a homosexual concubinage", claiming that his blessing of sin "is not a blessing of a union, because this kind …More
Vatican II folks brought this about its like the destruction of the Jewish temple . .modernism destroyed the Catholic church time of the gentiles is at an end .It time for the Jews to come home The next Peter will be Jewish like the first
So tragic - such blasphemy against Our Lord - as well as leading so many souls to hell - just as prophesied in Our Lady's apparitions at Garabandal.
P. O'B
It's about time for Rome going to bless adulterous couples. And maybe members of the pedophile community. Let's not leave them out in the peripheries.
Billy F
Diabolical Disorientation!!!
Kissy is a nasty, filthy, apostatized heretic. He is a major contributor to that “too much faggotry” in the Church phenomena, about which Francis has spoken. There was a time he (and those like him) would have been burned alive at the stake for the salvation of his immortal soul, and his sodomy-tainted bones would have been ground to powder and cast to the wind, to trouble the Faithful and offend …More
Kissy is a nasty, filthy, apostatized heretic. He is a major contributor to that “too much faggotry” in the Church phenomena, about which Francis has spoken. There was a time he (and those like him) would have been burned alive at the stake for the salvation of his immortal soul, and his sodomy-tainted bones would have been ground to powder and cast to the wind, to trouble the Faithful and offend Christ no more. He is the result of the Church abandoning the Laws of God for the vomit of man.
Wilma Lopez
Cardinal Fernández claims that “more serious” violations of Fiducia Supplicans, ie formally giving blessings to same-sex marriages, “can be reported to the local bishop, but I do not think we have to go on a witch-hunt.”