
Francis Intrigued Against German Translation Of Gänswein's Book

The direction of Francis radicalises or unveils itself with his increasing age, Peter Seewald, Benedict XVI's biographer, told kath.net (20 July). An example is the promotion of his "protégé" as Prefect of the Faith although his “qualifications seem questionable.”

Prefect Tucho Fernández, called “Kissy”, immediately announced a kind of “self-dismantling”. Seewald mentions Fernández’ wish to change the catechism, relativise the Bible [on homosexuality], put celibacy up for discussion.

Seewald wonders if Bergoglio's appraisal for the predecessor were only lip service, or even smokescreens. Francis wants to break out of continuity and thus out of the Church’s doctrinal tradition. For Seewald, Francis reigns supreme, talks in contradictions and creates confusion.

Francis had dumped Archbishop Georg Gänwein with “unprecedented brutality and public humiliation”. In Gänswein’s book on Benedict XVI, Francis "comes off anything but badly":

"For the translation of Gänswein's book into German, Herder-Verlag was not allowed, as usual, to use the Vatican’s translators, as I was told from publishing circles. The job had been strictly forbidden to them."


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Seewald said that in the Pope’s letter appointing Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez as prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, the reference to “immoral methods” used by that office in the past was a reference to the past leadership of then-Cardinal Ratzinger. “Since the first day of his pontificate, Pope Francis has tried to distance himself from his predecessor,” said Seewald …More
Seewald said that in the Pope’s letter appointing Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez as prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, the reference to “immoral methods” used by that office in the past was a reference to the past leadership of then-Cardinal Ratzinger. “Since the first day of his pontificate, Pope Francis has tried to distance himself from his predecessor,” said Seewald. He recalled the funeral for the late Pontiff, at which the Pope’s words were “as cold as the whole ceremony.”
Sandy Barrett
Did you know: Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI had eight doctorates, spoke ten languages, authored over 160 books and was considered the greatest theologian of the 20th century. He was known as the Pope of Faith and Reason. He liked classical music and reading poetry. He was simple and humble. He was 96 years old and 72 years an ordained Catholic Priest. He was the longest pope to be alive in the history …More
Did you know: Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI had eight doctorates, spoke ten languages, authored over 160 books and was considered the greatest theologian of the 20th century. He was known as the Pope of Faith and Reason. He liked classical music and reading poetry. He was simple and humble. He was 96 years old and 72 years an ordained Catholic Priest. He was the longest pope to be alive in the history of the Catholic Church. He resigned as the Pontiff when he felt he didn't have enough strength to continue exercising the office to lead a life of prayer. Pray for His soul. Rest In Peace.