Gloria.TV News
Gloria.TV News on the 20th of January 2017 Renewal According to Amoris Laetitia: Speaking to an Ecumenical Delegation from Finland, Pope Francis claimed yesterday that – quote – “the intention of …More
Gloria.TV News on the 20th of January 2017
Renewal According to Amoris Laetitia: Speaking to an Ecumenical Delegation from Finland, Pope Francis claimed yesterday that – quote – “the intention of Martin Luther five hundred years ago was to renew the Church, not divide her.” wonders whether the following Luther quote qualifies in the Vatican as renewal: “I confess that I cannot forbid a person to marry several wives, for it does not contradict the Scripture."
Dialogue? Radical Cardinal Walter Kasper, speaking yesterday at a Roman university, raved over Pope Francis’ alleged capacity to receive every person he meets with a cordial and fraternal style. Quote: “He has and lives a style of dialogue.” In reality, Pope Francis categorically refuses a dialogue on his controversial document Amoris Laetita and bullies out of the Vatican anybody who asks questions.
Authoritarian: In an interview with the Register, Benjamin Harnwell, founder of the Rome-based Institute for Human Dignity …More
Judas also followed Jesus ate with him drank with prayed with him in the end he betrayed Jesus ,like Martin Luther he betrayed the church so he also betrayed Jesus .But Jesus said Judas would be condemned .In the opinion of Pope Frances would Judas be saved ????
How come all the previous popes thought differently than pope Francis about ,Martin Luther ?,does he think he is smarter than the other popes and saints ? ,does he know something that nobody knows ? is everybody wrong that thinks differently about it ?
One more comment from aderito
When the time comes God will give us another pope to make right again what has been done wrong .be patient but be alert ,God knows what is wrong and nobody can fool Him .
Holy Cannoli wonders whether the following Luther quote qualifies in the Vatican as renewal: “I confess that I cannot forbid a person to marry several wives, for it does not contradict the Scripture."
Holy Cannoli also wonders if that's true? In addition, Luther threw out a huge part of the OT that had been recognized as inspired Scripture since before Christ was born. He also overturned at least a …More wonders whether the following Luther quote qualifies in the Vatican as renewal: “I confess that I cannot forbid a person to marry several wives, for it does not contradict the Scripture."
Holy Cannoli also wonders if that's true? In addition, Luther threw out a huge part of the OT that had been recognized as inspired Scripture since before Christ was born. He also overturned at least a dozen dogmas and doctrines the Church had taught and held since the first century after Christ. Is this Franicis' idea of “renewal”? 😲

Authoritarian: Benjamin Harnwell, “I think the president-elect is a lot like Pope Francis when it comes to exercising authority: He expects to be obeyed.”
There is a HUGE difference, Benny. Trump was chosen by the people of the United States who were fed up with the homo-enabling, dictatorial, Muzzie sympathizer that we've had to endure for the past 8 years. While it is true that the Pope is a homo-enabling, dictatorial, Muzzie sympathizer, who was he chosen by? 😲
“the intention of Martin Luther five hundred years ago was to renew the Church, not divide her.”
Est suspect d'hérésie celui qui spontanément et sciemment aide de quelque manière que ce soit la propagation de l'hérésie, ou communique 'in divinis' avec des hérétiques, contre ce qui est prescrit au Can. 1258 .
p.1 Il n'est pas permis aux fidèles d'assister activement ou de prendre part …
“the intention of Martin Luther five hundred years ago was to renew the Church, not divide her.”
Est suspect d'hérésie celui qui spontanément et sciemment aide de quelque manière que ce soit la propagation de l'hérésie, ou communique 'in divinis' avec des hérétiques, contre ce qui est prescrit au Can. 1258 .

p.1 Il n'est pas permis aux fidèles d'assister activement ou de prendre part, sous quelque forme que ce soit, aux rites sacrés non-catholiques
This is important, timely news for the USA Presidential inauguration day!