"I'm not a flat-earther. I'm not a round-earther.' Actually, what I am is, I am somebody who has left the cult of science. I have left the megachurch of science because what I have now realized is that science—what it is actually, if you think about it—is a pagan faith."

Candace Owens Describes Science as 'Pagan Faith'

Candace Owens has described science as a "pagan faith," after saying she had been reading literature supporting the theory that Earth is flat, rather than …
Science is an incredibly broad term with many faucets. However, it is also a word many times used to attack God or Godless things.
Carol H
Candace Owens talks a lot of sense. Her core point is that "science" is being used to cultivate and propagate a religion that attacks the Catholic Faith; that much of what is being pushed as "science" today is not a conclusion from a methodology, but rather an illusion based on fear to compel us to comply.
If she had said scientism, I would agree.
Billy F
Naomi Arai
She’s talks too much…about what she doesn’t know. She’s embarrassing. MANY pillar scientists were Catholic. Science does not require the grace of faith. It’s merely a tool, a methodology. Now, are there atheists/agnostics who try to use science to disprove God’s existence? Of course, because you CANNOT prove His existence that way. You need God’s gift of Faith. Don’t throw the baby out with the …More
She’s talks too much…about what she doesn’t know. She’s embarrassing. MANY pillar scientists were Catholic. Science does not require the grace of faith. It’s merely a tool, a methodology. Now, are there atheists/agnostics who try to use science to disprove God’s existence? Of course, because you CANNOT prove His existence that way. You need God’s gift of Faith. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.
True Mass
She's talking about the vax, climate change and all
the other propaganda.
Naomi Arai
I get it, but it’s embarrassing because she goes about it vaguely. It’s like blaming the fork for making me gain weight or blaming the gun for murder.
Dr Bobus
In fact, Thomas Aquinas begins the Summa Theologiae by sayng that reason alone can demonstate the existence of God.
Some 600 years later Vat I agreed with him: If anybody says that the one true God, Our Creator and Lord cannot be known with certainty in the light of human reason by those things which have been made, anathema sit”. The basis is Romans 1:20
Medicine is the true religion of the modern world. God is no longer feared only death and the belief is that medicine will be our salvation. Doctors and the high priests and medical centers are the cathedrals.mary said “do what He tells you” our world says do what the doctor tells you.
Alejandrina Reyes
Little science departs you from God , deep science returns you to Him.