
Pope Francis On the Wrong Side of History? By Fr Reto Nay

Sandro Magister writes on his blog that Pope Francis is not popular among the bishops. The only ones he can totally count on are according to him those from Germany, Austria, and Belgium. Unfortunately …More
Sandro Magister writes on his blog that Pope Francis is not popular among the bishops. The only ones he can totally count on are according to him those from Germany, Austria, and Belgium. Unfortunately, these are also countries, where the Church is in total and (let's face it) irreversible decline.
Even more unfortunately, these bishops have applied the "Francis method" most fervently, long before Francis was elected. Already decades ago they introduced the five pillars of liberal ideology: liturgical minimalism, moral relativism, Holy Communion for remarried divorcees, green ideology, and poverty romanticism. The results are a total disaster.
Where the Church is alive, Francis' proposals are much less popular. Magister writes that the African bishops don't like them. The U.S. bishops are divided, “but if there was a referendum, Bergoglio lost it altogether”. Magister adds: “Even in Latin America, Bergoglio has few admirers.”
So, there is no way, Francis could win. Even if he did, he …More
I absolutely agree, @Holy Cannoli. It seems what is at question, what remains uncertaun is what we are/will be doing. Jesus asks whether he will find faith on the earth (Luke 18:8).
Holy Cannoli
What is the end result? I've heard various Catholic writers say that what we are witnessing is the devil's final assault on the Church. Well, if that were true is it not the Triune Godhead who permits the assault to occur?
4 Where wast thou when I laid up the foundations of the earth? tell me if thou hast understanding.
The indisputable fact is that our God permits the chaos and all other things …More
What is the end result? I've heard various Catholic writers say that what we are witnessing is the devil's final assault on the Church. Well, if that were true is it not the Triune Godhead who permits the assault to occur?

4 Where wast thou when I laid up the foundations of the earth? tell me if thou hast understanding.

The indisputable fact is that our God permits the chaos and all other things (what we perceive to be either good or bad within the church or in our own lives) to occur. Why should we be disheartened or even provoked by the 'progressives' (Read: Liberals) doing their utmost to undermine the teachings of the Catholic Church? Will not our God, in a way unknown to us in an unknown time, find a solution to the problem without our concern or interference?

21 Submit thyself then to him, and be at peace: and thereby thou shalt have the best fruits.