
Abortion is “Murder”: Is Francis Bipolar?

During his September 15 Bratislava-Rome flight, Francis called abortion “murder.” Specola (InfoVaticana.com, September 17) notices that this goes along with Francis’ bipolar sympathy for governments …More
During his September 15 Bratislava-Rome flight, Francis called abortion “murder.”
Specola (InfoVaticana.com, September 17) notices that this goes along with Francis’ bipolar sympathy for governments and institutions that openly promote abortion, and his antipathy for those who are committed to life and family.
“Nice words that are always welcome,” Specola comments Francis' statement, “but we were warned a long time ago by someone with great authority, 'by their fruits you will know them', and the fruits are what they are.”
Francis is gaslighting us yet again......he's a master of gaslighting. What a dangerous man.....
This is true, that Pope Francis says abortion is murder on the one hand and supports openly governments and institutions that support abortion. But I will take this statement of truth from him. There is a battle raging in the U.S. and he is known for presenting his views on politically charged matters. I'm not saying that the innocent, unborn can ever be reduced to a political volleyball. On the …More
This is true, that Pope Francis says abortion is murder on the one hand and supports openly governments and institutions that support abortion. But I will take this statement of truth from him. There is a battle raging in the U.S. and he is known for presenting his views on politically charged matters. I'm not saying that the innocent, unborn can ever be reduced to a political volleyball. On the other hand, if the faithful do as they should, those in positions of power would have no choice but conform. And yes, I am keenly aware of the power of the abortion-lovers (who have no interested in the promotion of women but only the promotion of abortion).
Jesus say "yes when its yes and No when its No " anything else comes from the evil one
At the same time those politicians that promote and help financing the abortion massacre this Pope says nothing not even telling them to conversion ,or asking for forgiveness ,two faced
Speaking of fruits...;-)