Catholic Church Used as Backstage for Transvestite Party. Catholic Church Used as Backstage for Transvestite Party Father Fernando Báez, dressed in yellow, of the parish in La Breña, Gran Canaria, …More
Catholic Church Used as Backstage for Transvestite Party.
Catholic Church Used as Backstage for Transvestite Party
Father Fernando Báez, dressed in yellow, of the parish in La Breña, Gran Canaria, Spain, offered his church as a backstage for participants of a transvestite show called Gala Drag Queen de Telde. The abomination was part of the celebrations in honour of Saint Joseph and Our Lady of the Pino. Church pews were also used to accommodate the spectators of the grisly show. God participated in his own way receiving the half-naked homosexuals with freezing temperatures. Gran Canaria vicar general Hipólito Cabrera told the press that he had nothing to say and that this was something internal to the parish.
Jailed Nun Used As Pretext to Persecute Mother Theresa's Sisters
Sister Concilia, the superior of a house of the Sisters of Mother Theresa for unwed mothers in Ranchi, India, was jailed in early July after being accused of having taken about 1500 Euro from a couple that wanted to …More
So I suppose Father Baez will now be fast tracked to bishop?
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
InfoVaticana: (Fernando Báez) in a local television program came to deny the Marian apparitions of Our Lady of the Pino, venerated since 1481. “She has not appeared to anyone, not here, not in Fatima or in Lourdes not in no other part of the world”.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Gloria.TV Noticias: Iglesia católica utilizada como camerino para la fiesta de travesti:
El padre Fernando Báez, vestido de amarillo, de la parroquia de La Breña, Gran Canaria, España, ofreció su iglesia como camerino para los participantes de un espectáculo de travestis llamado Gala Drag Queen de Telde. La abominación fue parte de las celebraciones en honor a San José y Nuestra Señora del Pino …More
Gloria.TV Noticias: Iglesia católica utilizada como camerino para la fiesta de travesti:

El padre Fernando Báez, vestido de amarillo, de la parroquia de La Breña, Gran Canaria, España, ofreció su iglesia como camerino para los participantes de un espectáculo de travestis llamado Gala Drag Queen de Telde. La abominación fue parte de las celebraciones en honor a San José y Nuestra Señora del Pino. Los bancos de la iglesia también se usaron para acomodar a los espectadores del espeluznante espectáculo. Dios participó a su manera dándole temperaturas bajo cero a los homosexuales semidesnudos. El vicario general de Gran Canaria, Hipólito Cabrera, dijo a la prensa que no tenía nada que decir y que esto era algo interno de la parroquia.

InfoVaticana: (Fernando Báez) en un programa de la televisión local llegó a negar las apariciones marianas de la Virgen del Pino, venerada desde 1481. “No se le ha aparecido a nadie, no aquí, no en Fátima ni en Lourdes no en ninguna otra parte del mundo”.
Holy Cannoli
No Mercy With Thieves
Dear Father Ray,
Do you have banks in Italy? If so, would it not have been wise to deposit your money inside of a bank?
You don’t know how fortunate you actually are. If this burglary occurred in the States you would not merely have lost your money and valuables, the “scoundrels” would have destroyed your property including cabinets, chairs, bookcases and may have even set …More
No Mercy With Thieves
Dear Father Ray,
Do you have banks in Italy? If so, would it not have been wise to deposit your money inside of a bank?

You don’t know how fortunate you actually are. If this burglary occurred in the States you would not merely have lost your money and valuables, the “scoundrels” would have destroyed your property including cabinets, chairs, bookcases and may have even set fire to the entire apartment just for “kicks.”

Consider yourself blessed for two reasons. You have learned a valuable lesson (one which you should have already known) and you were not physically harmed by the burglars.
Jailed Nun Used As Pretext to Persecute Mother Theresa's Sisters
A nun of Missionaries of Charity says," I have sold two more babies. I don't know where they are now." She is one of the two nuns who was arrested by Ranchi police on charges of child trafficking on July 9. Police say '3 out of 4 children have been recovered.' twitter.com/…/101804653235903…