
Financial Malaise in Vatican and No Solution?

Martyr Cardinal George Pell, then the Prefect of the Vatican’s Secretariat for the Economy, identified in October 2016 potential money laundering, fraud, six “ciphered” foreign bank accounts, secret …More
Martyr Cardinal George Pell, then the Prefect of the Vatican’s Secretariat for the Economy, identified in October 2016 potential money laundering, fraud, six “ciphered” foreign bank accounts, secret particular assets and real estate transactions, held "off the books."
These risks were related to the APSA, the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See.
According to Edward Pentin (NCRegister.com, Jul 22) Pell contacted Australian banking friends in London in 2016. They estimated that possibly as much as €7 billion could be held in offshore accounts, like the Banca della Svizzera Italiana and Julius Bär, both located in Lugano, Switzerland.
Pell got the Vatican’s auditor general, Libero Milone, involved, received Pope Francis’ permission to act but the bank statements never made it to them. According to Pentin, their initiative was most likely sabotaged.
Pentin mentions the Vatican's London property at the prestigious Mayfair 176-206 High Street Kensington with 108 apartments and …More
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Malaise financier au Vatican et pas de solution ?
Le Cardinal martyr George Pell, alors Préfet du Secrétariat de l’Économie du Vatican, a identifié en octobre 2016 un potentiel de blanchiment d'argent et de fraude, de six comptes bancaires étrangers "chiffrés", d'avoirs secrets particuliers et de transactions immobilières, tenus "secrets".
Ces risques étaient liés à l'APSA, l'Administration du …More
Malaise financier au Vatican et pas de solution ?

Le Cardinal martyr George Pell, alors Préfet du Secrétariat de l’Économie du Vatican, a identifié en octobre 2016 un potentiel de blanchiment d'argent et de fraude, de six comptes bancaires étrangers "chiffrés", d'avoirs secrets particuliers et de transactions immobilières, tenus "secrets".

Ces risques étaient liés à l'APSA, l'Administration du Patrimoine du Saint-Siège.

Selon Edward Pentin (NCRegister.com, 22 juillet), Pell a contacté des amis banquiers australiens à Londres en 2016. Ils ont estimé qu'il pourrait y avoir jusqu'à 7 milliards d'euros sur des comptes offshore, comme la Banca della Svizzera Italiana et Julius Bär, tous deux situés à Lugano, en Suisse.

Pell a fait intervenir le vérificateur général du Vatican, Libero Milone, qui a reçu la permission d'agir du pape François, mais les relevés bancaires ne leur ont jamais été remis. Selon Pentin, leur initiative a probablement été sabotée.

Pentin mentionne la propriété londonienne du Vatican au prestigieux Mayfair 176-206 High Street Kensington avec 108 appartements et 57.000 pieds carrés de magasins.

En 2015, l'APSA dirigé par le cardinal Domenico Calcagno l'a acheté pour 100 millions d'euros. Pell a refusé d'approuver la transaction, mais François l'a acceptée. L'achat s'est avéré être une perte.

Un deuxième organe du Vatican ayant une aversion apparente pour le contrôle est la Secrétairerie d’État. En 2017, elle a annulé la toute première vérification externe. De plus, Pell a découvert d'importantes sommes d'argent qui n'avaient pas été comptabilisées dans les états financiers : 94 millions d'euros à la Secrétairerie d’État et près d'un milliard d'euros dans divers autres dicastères.

Maintenant, selon Pentin, l'archevêque Galantino et le nouveau substitut, Mgr Edgar Peña Parra, feraient des progrès [???] dans la lutte contre la mauvaise gestion financière et la corruption éventuelle.

Mais Pentin cite une voix qui souligne qu'un changement radical de personnel est nécessaire car il est insensé de faire une réforme avec les mêmes personnes corrompues qu'auparavant.

[Voir plus de détails ici : MAFIA grandeur nature chez le plus grand des mafieux, savoir l'ANTÉCHRIST.]
Beowulf... Clearly you know nothing about what happened in the 80's & 90's other than what you have been told or read by bull s--t artists. If you knew the facts you would INDEED call him a martyr. Let you be judged the way you judged a innocent apostle of the lord. You sure ain't anyone's brother. God bless Cardinal Pell, a true "white" martyr for Christ, a true martyr for the one true Catholic …More
Beowulf... Clearly you know nothing about what happened in the 80's & 90's other than what you have been told or read by bull s--t artists. If you knew the facts you would INDEED call him a martyr. Let you be judged the way you judged a innocent apostle of the lord. You sure ain't anyone's brother. God bless Cardinal Pell, a true "white" martyr for Christ, a true martyr for the one true Catholic Faith.
No offence, GTVisrockin , but if BrotherBeowulf knows"nothing about what happened in the 80's & 90's" and if he "knew the facts", then why don't you helpfully supply some of both, please? Preferably from independent and unbiased sources?
Reason I suggest this is it seems there -are- a number of parents/ survivors who have been rather vocal in noting then-Archbishop Pell's marked lack of contrition …More
No offence, GTVisrockin , but if BrotherBeowulf knows"nothing about what happened in the 80's & 90's" and if he "knew the facts", then why don't you helpfully supply some of both, please? Preferably from independent and unbiased sources?

Reason I suggest this is it seems there -are- a number of parents/ survivors who have been rather vocal in noting then-Archbishop Pell's marked lack of contrition or sympathy to their plight. In all fairness to Pell, that's hardly a unique attitude among Church leaders.

I'm ignoring, of course, the utter heartlessness of such an attitude, merely pointing out the ubiquitousness of it.
I had already done so ages ago under a post when all this started. And yes i am offended indeed, because i know C. Pell and i know 100 % what when on back in the 80s & 90's . I was also a witness to all the lies and setup in before and during the courts, oh if you were only there, you would know that i speak the truth. Whoever speaks contrary to the TRUTH & is a liar, whether intentional …More
I had already done so ages ago under a post when all this started. And yes i am offended indeed, because i know C. Pell and i know 100 % what when on back in the 80s & 90's . I was also a witness to all the lies and setup in before and during the courts, oh if you were only there, you would know that i speak the truth. Whoever speaks contrary to the TRUTH & is a liar, whether intentional or not, that is for God to decide ,however i will not remain silent when a innocent man who is so hated by Satan and his dominions because he is faithful to the truth and hated for so much more, eg Homosexuals inside the church then and no doubt now, climate change and defense of the family. For me to remain silent when i know the truth as God sees all things, it would be the same as those who yelled out, crucify him @ our lords false accusation. I will speak the truth and the silent priest who are praying and offering mass for him also know the truth.
@GTVisrockin Well, a post made somewhere else (and isn't linked here) won't help in changing anyone's mind. Besides, like I said, the issue isn't Cardinal Pell getting set-up or his own abuse trial.
Seems Bro. Beowulf is griping how Archbishop Pell handled the previous administration's abuse scandal and, well, yeah... The angry victims and their families in Australia sound just like the angry …More
@GTVisrockin Well, a post made somewhere else (and isn't linked here) won't help in changing anyone's mind. Besides, like I said, the issue isn't Cardinal Pell getting set-up or his own abuse trial.

Seems Bro. Beowulf is griping how Archbishop Pell handled the previous administration's abuse scandal and, well, yeah... The angry victims and their families in Australia sound just like the angry victims and their families everywhere else complaining that Bishop So 'n So just wants us to go away and doesn't care in the slightest what happened us.

Maybe you were there, but hey... so were all those vocal, super-irate victims and their families. They certainly aren't evil demon homosexuals promoting climate change or what-not. They're people who got shafted...literally and figuratively.

The guy they're describing sounds like every other Church bureacrat mopping up after the scandal was too big to suppress.

It's clear the Australian legal system wanted a conviction and offered none of the leeway other defendants typically get. But let's face it, two wrongs don't make a right... or a saint.
@GTVisrockin Well, a post made somewhere else (and isn't linked here) won't help in changing anyone's mind. Besides, like I said, the issue isn't Cardinal Pell getting set-up or his own abuse trial.
Ok .Ultraviolet, you expect a reply, you got it. So you can’t be bothered looking, ok then I’ll make it even easier for you, how about you privately message me your phone number and I will gladly phone …More
@GTVisrockin Well, a post made somewhere else (and isn't linked here) won't help in changing anyone's mind. Besides, like I said, the issue isn't Cardinal Pell getting set-up or his own abuse trial.
Ok .Ultraviolet, you expect a reply, you got it. So you can’t be bothered looking, ok then I’ll make it even easier for you, how about you privately message me your phone number and I will gladly phone you and tell you all you obviously need to know.

Seems Bro. Beowulf is griping how Archbishop Pell handled the previous administration's abuse scandal and, well, yeah... The angry victims and their families in Australia sound just like the angry victims and their families everywhere else complaining that Bishop So 'n So just wants us to go away and doesn't care in the slightest what happened us.

Well of course Your bro is griping cuz he hasn’t got a blooming clue how C. Pell handled it, pity your bro never requested a private audience with St. Pope John Paul II, he would have told him ALL he needed to know about how C.Pell handled it and what action was taken. In fact, it is just the opposite, Cardinal Pell did care, what did they want from him? What they got now…

Maybe you were there, but hey... so were all those vocal, super-irate victims and their families. They certainly aren't evil demon homosexuals promoting climate change or what-not. They're people who got shafted...literally and figuratively.

You say *maybe* I was there, that’s a lukewarm approach, you cannot sit on the fence, you either call me a liar or not. Your call, but indeed call it.
To be clear, I did not say that “they” were homosexuals, or climate change activists, I was refereeing to those who hate him & the church in this atheistic, communistic country. The victims got shafted by Arch Little not C.Pell, but Little is dead so they go after Pell instead so that must makes it ok in your books.
As for the angry victims, C.Pell does not have any victims. True Victims would NOT be angry @Cardinal Pell, they are angry at the church. *true*Victims would not par-take in such an evil demonic witch-hunt as to destroy an innocent Cardinal.
Indeed there was others clowns who were holding up B.S banners with a nice little collection tin sitting on their take away table, they were nothing but freeloaders, you have absolutely no idea, they thought it was just great being in the lime light, the smirks on their faces with cigarettes hanging out of their mouths, it was not a sight for sore eyes. I actually witnessed one yobb head towards peaceful supporters of the great Cardinal and say to them whilst he was smirking & laughing, we are going to destroy your church, and we are gonna make some money while we are at it ha-ha, ha.. The so called victims advocate putting on the act, with his hands covering his face carrying on like a blooming pork shop, spread his fingers from time to time having a bit of sneak look to see if the media camera’s was still on him, and when he was sure they were, those fingers moved back to closed position quicker than lightning. What a joke, if it wasn’t so serious it would have been a comedy show.

The guy they're describing sounds like every other Church bureaucrat mopping up after the scandal was too big to suppress.

As for the above remark, Ponder on some facts for a minute, when Pell returned from Rome as a Cardinal in the 90’s the first thing he did upon taking office @ St. Pat’s was to access certain files (files that he would have never been given or made aware of, as he was no friend of the mod squad) when he found the files he immediately handed them over to the authorities, knowing too well this will be a terrible public scandal for the church. What a pity you weren’t in his shoes back in the 90’s you seem to think you could have handled it much better than a prince of the church, who having a heavy heart for the church and victims did his God given duty to clean up such an evil mess.

It's clear the Australian legal system wanted a conviction and offered none of the leeway other defendants typically get. But let's face it, two wrongs don't make a right... or a saint.

On a final note, There is nothing worse than a sick perverted man in priests clothing, or in any other position of authority for that matter, as for those who protect them, or cover up for them, let it be said that the blood of those who suffered under those wicked men is also on their hands. Cardinal Pell did not ever cover up for those creeps, even the first & second royal commission, did not (much to their disappointment no doubt) find C. Pell guilty of covering up for those wolves. This is simply a punishment directed to the Catholic Church for sins of the past and in the hope to destroy the church. Well that’s never going to happen, it does not matter what anyone thinks at the end of the day, the devil has for now won this wicked battle against a Holy Cardinal but victory belongs to God and he will vindicate Cardinal Pell. May the blessings of the almighty be upon him and may Mary cover him with her mantle of love as I, ask God the father almighty to send St Michael the archangel to protect him from all harm.
Just because we have chaos in Rome and an Antipope styling himself 'Francis' does not confer upon us dumb sheep and our allies to deem who and who is not a saint.
Cardinal Pell has a sordid past in Australia of silencing, bullying and buying out those abused by the Homosexual Network Strangling the Church, Aussie Branch Inc., and shielding and closely associating with said abusers, …More

Just because we have chaos in Rome and an Antipope styling himself 'Francis' does not confer upon us dumb sheep and our allies to deem who and who is not a saint.

Cardinal Pell has a sordid past in Australia of silencing, bullying and buying out those abused by the Homosexual Network Strangling the Church, Aussie Branch Inc., and shielding and closely associating with said abusers, including the most notorious child predator in Australian history, the infamous Gerald Ridsdale who was his college and presbytery housemate--while he was abusing his own nephew--such that Pell had lost all credibility among Aussie Catholics and Law Enforcement by the time of his prosecution.

He is with all due respect no John the Baptist.
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