
"Clearly and Unequivocally": No Consequences For German Synod

The "dialogue" with the German Synodal Church will continue in the framework of the synodal journey of the universal Church, Cardinal Parolin said after a book presentation in Rome (VaticanNews.va, March 14).

The Germans have voted for transvestite priests and homosex "blessings".

To pull the wool over the eyes of the conservatives, Parolin added that the Holy See had spoken "clearly and unequivocally" on the issue of homosex-“blessings.” A local Church cannot "make a decision that affects the discipline of the universal Church," he said, as if blessing mortal sin were a disciplinary matter.

The Vatican said in spring 2021 that sin cannot be “blessed.” However, Francis told the Belgian bishops clearly and unequivocally that it was their decision to do so anyway.


Hey! Mister Guardian of the Tradition! No excommunication for schismatic bishops?
Of course not! You're one of them!More
Hey! Mister Guardian of the Tradition! No excommunication for schismatic bishops?

Of course not! You're one of them!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I don't bother with the Church for the most part anymore. My Grandmom (obaasan) is the only member of my family who sits thru the Novus Ordo every day. My 2 granddads don't go, 7 of 8 of my brothers and sisters don't go, and my Mom and Dad go maybe 2x a month.
Many of my neighbors are Catholic, and most don't go at all......especially over the last 10 years of Francis.
If the Catholic Church turns …More
I don't bother with the Church for the most part anymore. My Grandmom (obaasan) is the only member of my family who sits thru the Novus Ordo every day. My 2 granddads don't go, 7 of 8 of my brothers and sisters don't go, and my Mom and Dad go maybe 2x a month.
Many of my neighbors are Catholic, and most don't go at all......especially over the last 10 years of Francis.
If the Catholic Church turns into the pervert German "church", I'll find another, probably Greek Orthodox. Whatever their problems, they still have a ancient liturgy and rules that people born 1,500 years ago would immediately know.
Francis and his homo "chuch" can go to the Devil, which is where they are heading, whether they know it or not😂😂😂😂😂😂🤪
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori So you are Roman Catholic, but rather than go to a Traditional Roman Catholic chapel, you would go to the heretical Greek Orthodox church? The truly Catholic alternative is to find a Traditional Roman Catholic chapel in your vicinity, where the valid Catholic priest teaches orthodox Catholic doctrine and provides the traditional Catholic Sacraments. If you live near any large …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori So you are Roman Catholic, but rather than go to a Traditional Roman Catholic chapel, you would go to the heretical Greek Orthodox church? The truly Catholic alternative is to find a Traditional Roman Catholic chapel in your vicinity, where the valid Catholic priest teaches orthodox Catholic doctrine and provides the traditional Catholic Sacraments. If you live near any large US city, that should not be difficult to find. The Greek Orthodox don't believe in the Catholic doctrines of Original Sin or Purgatory or the Immaculate Conception or the Assumption.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@P N F -Thank you, but there is nothing within sensible distance for me to drive. I would never convert to anything else, but I would go to the Greek Orthodox Church before I would ever set foot into a Pope Francis Novus Ordo parish again. He can take his "Synodal church", and his homosexuals, TRANs and other perverts he loves so much, and his Germans he's doing nothing to discipline, and his gay …More
@P N F -Thank you, but there is nothing within sensible distance for me to drive. I would never convert to anything else, but I would go to the Greek Orthodox Church before I would ever set foot into a Pope Francis Novus Ordo parish again. He can take his "Synodal church", and his homosexuals, TRANs and other perverts he loves so much, and his Germans he's doing nothing to discipline, and his gay blessings and his Pachamamma, and stove them all where the sun don't shine 🤪
No disrespect to you intended of course, but couldn't care less if it's disrespectful towards Francis.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I meant SHOVE them all where the sun don't shine.
German bishops declare that ‘transsexual’ persons should not be ‘excluded’ from priesthood in 38-7 vote. The document states that ‘intersex and transsexual’ persons who want to be priests ‘must not be excluded across the board’ and that gender-confused people may change the sex entry on their baptismal forms.
Wilma Lopez
German bishops vote 42-10 in favor of women deacons for entire Church
Wilma Lopez shares this
Speaking days after a German synodal way vote on same-sex blessings, Cardinal Pietro Parolin said that a local Church “cannot make such a decision that involves the discipline of the Universal Church,” but dialogue will continue
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I wish someone would put that monkey on the facade of St. Peter's....that's what kind of a "church" it's become.
Lord give us good true Sheppards
Images of Animals like monkey above were projected on St. Peter's on our Lady's Feast of The Immaculate Conception
St. Pope Pius X wrote in his encyclical upon the 50th anniversary of the Dogma; the timing and need of this Defined Truth (Dogma) by Blessed Pope Pius IX to crush the errors of Naturalism.
Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum (February 2, 1904) | PIUS X