"Sodoma Supplicans": Cardinal Rebukes Faithfulness to the Gospel

Cardinal José Cobo of Madrid has rebuked two priests who publicly campaigned not to follow Bergoglio in his homosexual [pseudo] blessings (ReligionDigital.org, 8 January). Cobo said that "they can …More
Cardinal José Cobo of Madrid has rebuked two priests who publicly campaigned not to follow Bergoglio in his homosexual [pseudo] blessings (ReligionDigital.org, 8 January).
Cobo said that "they can express their opinion, but never in civil spaces, on Internet sites that have nothing to do with the ecclesial dynamic [sic] and which, in the final analysis, are contrary to the ordinary doctrine of Francis".
He announced that he would "fully apply" Francis' perversion of the Catholic faith "with the intensity that the document deserves and demands, and whoever disagrees, I invite them to read it [as if "reading" were the problem]".
He reminds the clergy that "they have an oath of fidelity to the Pope" - which is not true.
Cobo, a representative of the Francis' ideology, is trying to contain a Spain-wide rebellion of Catholic priests against the homosexual propaganda piece "Sodoma Supplicans".
Picture: José Cobo © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsDrypjpsraw
Wilma Lopez shares this
Cardinal José Cobo of Madrid, personally intervened to quash clerical opposition to Fiducia Supplicans, saying “we are going to fully apply the Pope’s doctrine” on same-sex “blessings.”
Simon North
"What you mean 'We,' White Man?"
another priest of satan. Now we know who they r.
In the final analysis doesn't all of this revolve around the legitimacy of the election of Francis to the Papacy? Read again Universi Domanici Gregis. Universi Dominici Gregis (February 22, 1996) | John Paul II
No....this rot goes much deeper and back much farther than the current Pontificate. It cannot all be laid at Pope Francis' feet, regardless as to the factors of how he came into office. Although, it cannot be denied that his unfortunate and destructive reign has certainly hastened the effects of the deterioration and greatly enhanced the damage to Holy Mother Church. It will take the relentless …More
No....this rot goes much deeper and back much farther than the current Pontificate. It cannot all be laid at Pope Francis' feet, regardless as to the factors of how he came into office. Although, it cannot be denied that his unfortunate and destructive reign has certainly hastened the effects of the deterioration and greatly enhanced the damage to Holy Mother Church. It will take the relentless courage, boldness, tenacity and fearless determination of a future holy Pope - a very holy Pope (perhaps even several holy Popes in succession) - to turn this satanic madness around. The deep-seated and pervasive iniquity and abomination we are confronted with in this generation requires the rising of a warrior Pope empowered and anointed with an uncompromising and implacable ZEAL of the sort that will thoroughly cleanse the Church and restore her to her former, long-past glory. That is what it will take to bring Light to the darkness we now suffer.
@SonoftheChurch A conclave to elect a legitimate successor to the Apostle Peter gains its authority from an Apostolic Constitution - in our case UDG. All other comments are of historical interest only and largely irrelevant.
@LiveJohn read the argument at Home | Antipope Jorge Mario Bergoglio. And make sure that you understand that a Canon 332.2 "resignation" is merely a resignation of the "Roman Pontiff" from his position as the sole member of the "Roman See," which is established at the Cathedral of St. John Lateran. The "Roman See" and the "Apostolic See" are different legal entities.
UDG, however, deals with what …More
@LiveJohn read the argument at Home | Antipope Jorge Mario Bergoglio. And make sure that you understand that a Canon 332.2 "resignation" is merely a resignation of the "Roman Pontiff" from his position as the sole member of the "Roman See," which is established at the Cathedral of St. John Lateran. The "Roman See" and the "Apostolic See" are different legal entities.

UDG, however, deals with what happens after the vacancy in the "Apostolic See," not a vacancy in the "Roman See." As Canon 361 explains, the "Apostolic See" is made up of not only the Roman Pontiff but also the other officials of the Roman Curia. The "Apostolic See" only becomes lawfully vacant after "the death of the Pope," as explained in UDG 14 and Pastor Bonus Article 6, when those other Curial officials automatically cease from their office.

So, a Canon 332.2 papal "resignation" does not trigger a new papal election, according to UDG, because the "Apostolic See" is not yet vacant because it still being legally governed by the Curia until the Pope dies.

Once people understand this, they will understand that, as UDG 76 says, Bergoglio's election was null and void. He is a usurper and must be resisted. He is the "man of sin," "the son of perdition,' "the False Prophet," and "the Antichrist.'
@P N F Thank you for your explanatory notes. I agree fully with the content of your final paragraph.
@LiveJohn What is "irrelevant" is the continual spouting of unfounded conspiracy theories that question the legitimacy of Pope Francis' election. Particularly when there is absolutely NO empirical evidence whatsoever to the contrary. There is not a single Cardinal-Elector who was present at the last Papal Conclave that has come forth publicly and openly with provable allegations that could in any …More
@LiveJohn What is "irrelevant" is the continual spouting of unfounded conspiracy theories that question the legitimacy of Pope Francis' election. Particularly when there is absolutely NO empirical evidence whatsoever to the contrary. There is not a single Cardinal-Elector who was present at the last Papal Conclave that has come forth publicly and openly with provable allegations that could in any way provide the foundation of a serious challenge to what transpired, namely the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Supreme Pontiff. Not even those Cardinals who have publicly questioned or opposed many of his acts as Pope, such as Burke, Müller, Sarah, Brandmüller, Iñiguez or even the late Cardinals Pell, Caffarra and Meisner, have presented any doubts as to his legitimacy, nor offered any substantiating accounts of their own Conclave experiences or their personal observations of any sort of nefarious shenanigans that would call Francis' legitimate election into question. They ALL, without a single exception, submitted (and continue to submit) willingly to Francis as the Holy Father, and have all proclaimed him unhesitatingly as the Successor of Saint Peter and Vicar of Christ on Earth...every single one of them - as did the Pope Emeritus himself.

And these are faithful and trustworthy men renowned for their piety, honesty and integrity, stalwart Princes of the Church, holy Priests whose lives have long been spent in service to the Church and in the defense of the Faith. I trust them, along with other devoted Shepherds such as Bishops Strickland and Schneider, both of whom (their fervent and brave opposition to his grave errors and his destructive, deceptive acts notwithstanding) without reservation respectfully, reverently and unquestionably submit to Francis as the legitimately and duly elected Pope, and they encourage and admonish all others of the Faithful to do the same. I do not believe for one second that these holy Priests, dedicated Servants of the Lord, who have already suffered much, would at the peril of their own immortal soul blatantly LIE and declare before the whole Church and the entire world that Francis is the Pope if they were not concretely certain that it was so. They would not willingly MISLEAD the over 1 billion souls of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church in submitting to a false shepherd, binding the Faithful to the obedience of a ravening wolf parading deceptively and diabolically around the globe as Peter and ruling illegitimately from the Petrine Throne in the Apostolic See. These men would not do that.

Thus, until we hear otherwise, and are the recipients of provable evidence from first-hand, trustworthy sources, who have been canonically endowed with the competent juridical authority to make such a determination, that Pope Francis was NOT, in fact, legitimately elected (which, of course, would mean that his entire Pontificate is a sham, a farce, a pretense that must be immediately invalidated and voided and all of his acts abrogated and he himself proclaimed Anathema), we must accept that we cannot look to this particular issue as a viable solution - or even as a pathway towards a solution - for the catastrophic crisis that, like a death-bringing whirlwind, assaults and rages against the Church today. That way lies madness.
@SonoftheChurch Well, it must have been a relief to finally get all that off your chest! Seriously though; two points.
First of all I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
Secondly: you obviously reject part - if not all of UDG - an important document binding on all Catholics worldwide - including Cardinal Electors.
Pray tell me, who is the infallible authority to substantiate your claims?
@SonoftheChurch Your argument is based on a logical fallacy known as an argumentum ad verecundiam or an "appeal to authority." Read about that here.
Then read the evidence I posted in the comment to @LiveJohn above. Bergoglio's election was null and void according to UDG (the papal election law) because that law makes it clear that only AFTER "the death of the Pope" can the next papal election …More
@SonoftheChurch Your argument is based on a logical fallacy known as an argumentum ad verecundiam or an "appeal to authority." Read about that here.

Then read the evidence I posted in the comment to @LiveJohn above. Bergoglio's election was null and void according to UDG (the papal election law) because that law makes it clear that only AFTER "the death of the Pope" can the next papal election lawfully take place.

The evidence is objective based on the language of that law and the fact the BXVI was not dead at any time in 2013. There is no conjecture needed.
John A Cassani
The oath of fidelity that clerics take is, in part, an oath of fidelity to the pope and the college of bishops. They swear “religious submission of will and intellect” to any teaching put forth by the Roman Pontiff and/or the College of Bishops, even if it is not promulgated in a definitive manner. Fiducia supplicans certainly fits that bill. Of course, the presumption is that it is safe to follow …More
The oath of fidelity that clerics take is, in part, an oath of fidelity to the pope and the college of bishops. They swear “religious submission of will and intellect” to any teaching put forth by the Roman Pontiff and/or the College of Bishops, even if it is not promulgated in a definitive manner. Fiducia supplicans certainly fits that bill. Of course, the presumption is that it is safe to follow and obey anything that the pope teaches, even if it does not require divine faith. Is it safe to follow everything Francis teaches?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Of course not. THat's why bishops and priests are rebelling, as they should. And that oath should be altered to say that priests are obliged to take an oath of fidelity to teachings of a Pope and the bishops, ONLY if it remains faithful to the timeless teachings of the Church, not the opinions, views, or agenda of a heretic like Francis and Tucho. Only if it faithful to Catholic tradition.
Not can follow non sense
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I hope he fails, and the rebellion among priests grows to enormous proportions, against the homo blessings, and against Francis. This "cardinal" is on the losing side. I also read that not only priests, but the huge numbers of faithful, are against it.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I totally agree with you!! Kenjiro!!! I heard....former Archbishop of Madrid...Eminence Cardinal Varela....he was a Orthodox Cardinal....he against to LGBT Ideologies, indiscrimition Abortion.....so brave Cardinal....but his successor Cardinal Osoro....he silence to this ideologies...so chicken man...Osoro's successor is a Cardinal Cobo...ah...this man join to Bergoglian...so …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I totally agree with you!! Kenjiro!!! I heard....former Archbishop of Madrid...Eminence Cardinal Varela....he was a Orthodox Cardinal....he against to LGBT Ideologies, indiscrimition Abortion.....so brave Cardinal....but his successor Cardinal Osoro....he silence to this ideologies...so chicken man...Osoro's successor is a Cardinal Cobo...ah...this man join to Bergoglian...so horrible....I think so many Western Bishops are same to this horrible man...I hope one more tell...I am very angry to Korean Catholic Media.....be cause they ignore, don't saying about brave African Church's voice....they wrote...just world Church praise to Fiducia supplicans....totally lie!! so many area of African Church, some Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe..all Orthodox area against to Fiducia supplicans!!!! but they ignore.....I think not just only Korean Catholic media...maybe all wrong media want hide it...they don't want African Church and all Orthodox area against to Bergoglio....ah...wrong fake Catholic Media....National Catholic Reporter Said..(not to National Catholic Register!!!)...they said African Church can't know LGBT's great things...so they against...jajajaja!!! their real heart is a strongly Racist!!! very disgusting...they think..western better than Africa and all Orthodox area...so angry.....hmm...if Lord will send Orthodox Pope, real Pope..fast time...I must going to Underground Church....like Arian crisis...Orthodox Catholic People escape to Desert....I think now almost going.....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's prayer too....many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day again...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!! and Even though will really very very difficult and hard year...but Happy new year Again..