Archbishop of Paris Replaces Liturgical Vestments with Liturgical Fashion

Monsignor Archbishop Laurent Ulrich, Archbishop of Paris, has chosen fashion designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac (net worth: $215 million) to create the "liturgical vestments" for the reopening of …More
Monsignor Archbishop Laurent Ulrich, Archbishop of Paris, has chosen fashion designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac (net worth: $215 million) to create the "liturgical vestments" for the reopening of Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral in December.
Ulrich's vestments will be made of modern fabrics, including a sweatshirt-like (!) material: "I wanted the designs to appeal to a young generation, with elements of streetwear," Castelbajac told
The "young generation" Castelbajac is appealing to is now in its eighties. Surprisingly, Castelbajac's creations even feature a cross.
Castelbajac is producing 2,000 liturgical items, including chasubles, dalmatics and stoles, which will be worn by 700 bishops, priests and deacons.
The designs are said to have been inspired by the cathedral itself, from the light that plays on its white stonework to the blue, yellow, red and green tones of its stained glass windows and the huge gold cross by Marc Couturier that survived the fire.
Back in 1997, …More
Ave Crux
Which is precisely why the young won't bother to come to Mass....they can find "streetwear" on the streets. Why endure bad music and equally bad "sermons" along with whatever else they can find on the outside everyday? We no longer have a culture of the Sacred to draw souls to the Eternal God, to "the good, the true and the beautiful".... We now have a culture of "streetwear" to affirm everyone in …More
Which is precisely why the young won't bother to come to Mass....they can find "streetwear" on the streets. Why endure bad music and equally bad "sermons" along with whatever else they can find on the outside everyday? We no longer have a culture of the Sacred to draw souls to the Eternal God, to "the good, the true and the beautiful".... We now have a culture of "streetwear" to affirm everyone in the gutters into which they have fallen.
John A Cassani
Is he intending for the deacons to wear stoles according the Byzantine way? I recently went to the circus, and was disappointed that there were no clowns (and, even worse, no animals). Perhaps they’d bring them back if they could get their hands on some of these “vestments.”
Christopher Shahrazade
Another proof Ulrich and the designer are both queers. THe multi-colored crosses, and the multi-colored splash marks are in the colors of the "LGBTQ" flag. Anyone else notice it?
Christopher Shahrazade
Ulrich is a queer. Only they would want to be creative and fasionable. A true bishop would stick with the acceptable liturgical cut of vestments and style.
At the few times I go to Mass, I see our relatively new musical director. He is a queer who has introduced very weird contemporary music into the Mass. To get people to sing, he stands up front with the priest, flapping his arms like a bird.
Father Karl A Claver
Ugly as sin, to quote Michael Rose.
Trash….absolute garbage.