
Cardinal Ouellet Must Stand Trial in October

The Court of First Instance of Lorient, France, has set October 4 for a hearing in the case of Mother Marie Ferréol against Cardinal Ouellet, writes PaixLiturgique (August 10).

• As could be expected from the decadent Vatican, the sister's dismissal from religious life was carried out without regard for the basic rules of ecclesiastical and secular justice.

• Mother Ferréol was thrown out on the street without unemployment or social benefits, without work or accommodation, and she was living on the charity of others.

• The nun was deprived, of her religious life, her home, and her reputation.

• To avoid the trial, Mother Ferréol attempted numerous solutions but hit a brick wall.


Simon North
@Naomi Arai Would you care to elaborate upon your statement about the SSPX throwing Christian doctrine into the trash bin?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Down with CArdinal Ouellet. I hope he gets huge fine.....or jailtime.
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori With all due respect (and that's a lot of respect that's due for you Kenjiro) I think the nun is wrong. Maybe Cardinal Ouellet mishandled her case but it is an internal church matter and has nothing to do with secular law. She should appeal to the highest church authority in judicial matters, the Apostolic Signature. I would never appeal a dismissal by Church authorities to a …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori With all due respect (and that's a lot of respect that's due for you Kenjiro) I think the nun is wrong. Maybe Cardinal Ouellet mishandled her case but it is an internal church matter and has nothing to do with secular law. She should appeal to the highest church authority in judicial matters, the Apostolic Signature. I would never appeal a dismissal by Church authorities to a godless secular court.

Cardinal Puellet himself has been a mixed back. He has ensured largely orthodox bishop appointments for over 12 years. Most of that time he had to function under Bergoglio. I believe he may have pragmatically attempted to avoid worse. He has defended priestly celibacy and the Church's sexual teachings.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -Thank you very much for your comment. I guess that I am so anti-Bergoglio, that I am anti-anyone who has anything to do with him and his people and who serve him unquestioningly. 🤪
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I cannot blame you for that.
I had wanted to tell you that I have done a lot of research and that of the 18 cardinal electors Francis is hoping to appoint at the end of September, only 4 seem very Bergoglian.
2 out of the 3 new curial prefects specifically don't seem bad. I investigated Prevost for the dicastery of bishops and he doesn't seem too horrible, while Gugerotti for …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I cannot blame you for that.

I had wanted to tell you that I have done a lot of research and that of the 18 cardinal electors Francis is hoping to appoint at the end of September, only 4 seem very Bergoglian.

2 out of the 3 new curial prefects specifically don't seem bad. I investigated Prevost for the dicastery of bishops and he doesn't seem too horrible, while Gugerotti for the Eastern churches seems good. Only Fernandez seems truly bad.

Likewise, the new Archbishops of Toronto and Madrid (the one for Madrid is one of the new cardinals) are fine as well and the new one for Brussels doesn't seem worse than his predecessor and might actually be less bad. Only the new Archbishop of Buenors Aires seem particularly awful.

Ironically however, by appointing the radical new Archbishop of Buenos Aires and retiring his predecessor Cardinal Poli rather early at 75.5 (after seeming to have mistreated him with a nonsense investigation before that), Francis may have turned Cardinal Poli against the Bergoglian cardinals as well. Poli had been Francis' auxiliary bishop before he was Pope and Francis had made him the new Archbishop of Buenors Airos and then a cardinal in 2014. But it seems Francis was expecting him to be a yes man and he wasn't. He also showed just a bit of authentic orthodoxy it seems.

So Bergoglio seems to have failed to turn a lot of important Archdioceses modernist and the same with a lot of the curia. Most importantly, he will fail to pack the college of cardinals again.
Naomi Arai
@John Fritz Logan I can't say that I agree. If the Church she was appealing to wasn't the Counterchurch, maybe she would have justice. If I were her, I'd join the SSPX Sisters/Oblates and be done with it. Good luck getting a Catholic fair trial within the current modernist crisis.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -Hi John!! Thank you for your excellent analysis of the 18 new cardinal electors. It's a relief to hear that they may nost be as bad as so many fear. Everyone knows about Tucho. He is mocked so much, especially in Italy, that I would not be surprised if he is crippled by the sarcasm and really bloody ridicule already. If I were him, I'd quit before I started. He's up against a …More
@John Fritz Logan -Hi John!! Thank you for your excellent analysis of the 18 new cardinal electors. It's a relief to hear that they may nost be as bad as so many fear. Everyone knows about Tucho. He is mocked so much, especially in Italy, that I would not be surprised if he is crippled by the sarcasm and really bloody ridicule already. If I were him, I'd quit before I started. He's up against a mountain of opposition.
I'm glad the Buenos Aires guy didn't get the red hat this time. Hope Bergoglio isn't around for another consistory. Thank you for mentioning that Toronto and Madrid might not be too bad. And Brussels. I feel sorry for Prevost. I think Bergoglio will shove his own choices thru without Prevost's input. But I hope not.
Wouldn't it be a strange twist of fate, if somehow Bergoglio gets sick and passes before the September consistory...and his Synod. That would really be God's justice....but I'm not holding my breath in anticipation😂.
Thanks again for the terrific analysis of these guys......you do way better at it than I do👏👏👏
@John Fritz Logan in the Catholic Church traditional terminology excludes neo-marxist terms such as "sexual teachings". Unless used by perverted minds i.e. in Amoris Laetitia to deprave children of their innocence accordingly to global agenda... What value has your subjective analysis of appointed Cardinals in light of the fact Bergoglio was not elected cannonically ?
@Naomi Arai wouldn't she be then enrolled (SSPX) in mandatory line up for additional Sacramental permissions from Bergoglio to fulfill Our Lord's Commission ?
John Fritz Logan
@Rafał_Ovile Sorry if the term sexual teachings was neo-Marxist. I meant the Church's teachings regarding sex. Sexual morality.
If Bergoglio wsn't validly elected, then 2/3 of the cardinals who were appointed before 2013 who partake in the conclave need to vote for an orthodox cardinal like Peter Erdo. Martyr Cardinal Pell campaigned for this apparently.
The fact that many dubious cardinals appointed …More
@Rafał_Ovile Sorry if the term sexual teachings was neo-Marxist. I meant the Church's teachings regarding sex. Sexual morality.

If Bergoglio wsn't validly elected, then 2/3 of the cardinals who were appointed before 2013 who partake in the conclave need to vote for an orthodox cardinal like Peter Erdo. Martyr Cardinal Pell campaigned for this apparently.

The fact that many dubious cardinals appointed by Bergoglio seem likely to join the valid cardinals in electing someone like Erdo, would mean the sede vacante would be resolved in a way where the new orthodox Poe would need to be recognised even by those who say that Bergoglio is a valid Pope. It would mean restoration.
Naomi Arai
@Rafał_Ovile Perhaps, but the SSPX wouldn't throw her out on her ear. They also won't dump Christian doctrine into rubbish bins like most of the Novus Ordo Counterchurch.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -I was just wondering, you had mentioned in an above post that only 4 of the new Cardinals are truely bad. We all know about Tucho, and I think another bad one is the Archbishop of Hong Kong (a Jesuit). But who might the other 2 suspect Cardinals be? THanks!!
John Fritz Log I have never found the term sex (activity) in the Bible nor magisterium in the positive sense. It is rather attributed to corrupt nature, vices such as lust, impurity. Unfortunately modern man is enslaved by sexual and conditioned by language revolutions. In consequence, procreation has been substituted by sexual activity with end to sustain pleasure and avoid offspring... In contrary …More
John Fritz Log I have never found the term sex (activity) in the Bible nor magisterium in the positive sense. It is rather attributed to corrupt nature, vices such as lust, impurity. Unfortunately modern man is enslaved by sexual and conditioned by language revolutions. In consequence, procreation has been substituted by sexual activity with end to sustain pleasure and avoid offspring... In contrary, Catholic Church teaches (moral theology) that the act of love in marriage is by nature for begetting children and condemned otherwise... (see below Casti Connubi 54-56)

Since 2 June 2023, two-thirds of the cardinal electors created by Francis, increasing to about 73% after the September 2023 consistory, will potentially elect according to Francis' agenda ... For now the Church will not be truly restored and the confusion will continue, unless an imperfect council elects a Catholic pope and present "pontificate" is abrogated ...

54. But no reason, however grave, may be put forward by which anything intrinsically against nature may become conformable to nature and morally good. Since, therefore, the conjugal act is destined primarily by nature for the begetting of children, those who in exercising it deliberately frustrate its natural power and purpose sin against nature and commit a deed which is shameful and intrinsically vicious.

55. Small wonder, therefore, if Holy Writ bears witness that the Divine Majesty regards with greatest detestation this horrible crime and at times has punished it with death. As St. Augustine notes, "Intercourse even with one's legitimate wife is unlawful and wicked where the conception of the offspring is prevented. Onan, the son of Juda, did this and the Lord killed him for it."[45]

56. Since, therefore, openly departing from the uninterrupted Christian tradition some recently have judged it possible solemnly to declare another doctrine regarding this question, the Catholic Church, to whom God has entrusted the defense of the integrity and purity of morals, standing erect in the midst of the moral ruin which surrounds her, in order that she may preserve the chastity of the nuptial union from being defiled by this foul stain, raises her voice in token of her divine ambassadorship and through Our mouth proclaims anew: any use whatsoever of matrimony exercised in such a way that the act is deliberately frustrated in its natural power to generate life is an offense against the law of God and of nature, and those who indulge in such are branded with the guilt of a grave sin.
Naomi Arai do you know any consecrated man in FSSPX welcomed to publicly resist Francis , including his indults ? Lets get real and admit that legitimizing Francis has consequences for the whole Church...
John Fritz Logan
@Rafał_Ovile @Kenjiro M. Yoshimori The large percentage of cardinals appointed by Bergoglio at this point seems rather irrelevant. The two consistories of last year and this year will have given 33 new cardinal electors yet only 8 seems like they're Bergoglion, like they'd elect another Bergoglio. That's less than a quarter of the new cardinals.
In 2022 those cardinals were McElroy, Steiner, Roche …More
@Rafał_Ovile @Kenjiro M. Yoshimori The large percentage of cardinals appointed by Bergoglio at this point seems rather irrelevant. The two consistories of last year and this year will have given 33 new cardinal electors yet only 8 seems like they're Bergoglion, like they'd elect another Bergoglio. That's less than a quarter of the new cardinals.

In 2022 those cardinals were McElroy, Steiner, Roche and Cantoni. This year Fernandez, Chow and possibly Aguiar and Rossi.

But between the 2 consistories at least 4 bad cardinals turned 80. Maradiaga, Ravasi,
Bertello and Rosa Chávez.

Now, before, the number of cardinal electors goes down to 120 again, 3 more bad cardinals, all from Latin America and appointed by Francis will turn 80; José Luis Lacunza Maestrojuán from Panama, Pedro Ricardo Barreto Jimeno from Peru and Baltazar Enrique Porras Cardozo from Venezuela.

The 2022 and 2023 consistories barely if at all expand the bloc of bad Bergoglian cardinals.

Some of the cardinals from these two consistories include:

Okpaleke from Nigeria, a protegee of Cardinal Arinze who was a strong Pell ally and has openly opposed the gay agenda.

Goh from Singapore, has defended the anti-sodomy law in Singapore and supported Courage ministry and Conservative communion practices.

Marengo missionary leader in Mongolia, has opposed religious syncretism and Shamanism as demonic (contrary to the Amazon synod) and said that the next Pope should preserve the faith unchanged.

Carmo da Silva from East Timor, has sproken of the harmful influence of 'LGBT' spreading in his country.

Rugambwa from Tanzania, a loyal African curial official appointed under Beneict XVI.

Ameyu Martin Mulla from South Sudan, contradicted Francis' call for decriminalising homosexuality.

Ryś from Poland, a loyal supporter of John Paul II while alive, now fanatical defender of his reputation against marxist slander, was seminary director in Warsaw, made bishop by Pope Benedict, said Cardinal Muller was right to defend priestly celibacy, that Church teaching against abortion is infallible, that all homosexual acts remain sinful, that unambigious teachings about sex are essential for proper pastoral guidence for the youth. He specifically praised African bishops for clearly adhering to monogamous marriage in a culture dominated by polygamy.

Cobo Cano from Spain, the new Archbishop of Madrid, surprised everyone including me, by condemning abortion and gay marriage and saying June is Sacred Heart month and not pride month almost immediately after he was anounced as the new Archbishop, saying priestly celibacy is a revolutionary thing in a pan-sexualised society and doesn't make priests abusers, that Church doctrine doesn't change, only the way we express it which he said in the context of the new evangelisation approach talking about new pastoral approaches to reach the unconverted but not to water down doctrine or discipline, and celebrating his second mass at the church of Opus Dei.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -WOW!! You must be a reporter/writer to know so much background of so many of Bergoglio's appointments. I hope you are right in your analysis of them and the coming conclave. Even though he might act like it, Bergoglio can't go on forever. He says he's in good health. I don't kow about that. But I certainly don't wish anyone bad health....even him. Thank you for your very impressive …More
@John Fritz Logan -WOW!! You must be a reporter/writer to know so much background of so many of Bergoglio's appointments. I hope you are right in your analysis of them and the coming conclave. Even though he might act like it, Bergoglio can't go on forever. He says he's in good health. I don't kow about that. But I certainly don't wish anyone bad health....even him. Thank you for your very impressive reporting on the new Cardinals, and others. It's good to know that some bad/Bergoglian cardinals have passed 80. The more gone the better.
As an aside, I think if I'm not mistaken that you are living in the Netherlands. I just wanted to say I was very sorry to hear about one of the Dutch bishops suffering and now dying of brain tumors. What a terrible thing, and painful sufferng. God bless him, liberal, conservative, or whatever. I hope the Lord spares him terrible pain, and takes him swiftly to Himself.
I don't mean to sound overly upset by that, but my Uncle is a Cardiologist, and told me about Bergoglio's supposed illnesses, and I mentioned this Bishop to him and he went into detail about the prognosis. I wish he hadn't. God Bless this good bishop.
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Thank you Kenjiro. I still have to directly answer your question regarding which 4 cardinals I thought were bad. Fernandez that Jesuit from Hong Kong, Chow, were indeed 2 of them and the most obvious ones. And as came up in my post Aguiar and Rossi are the 2 other ones. They are not as clearcut but I took no chances on either.
Aguiar is that auxiliary bishop if Lisbon who …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Thank you Kenjiro. I still have to directly answer your question regarding which 4 cardinals I thought were bad. Fernandez that Jesuit from Hong Kong, Chow, were indeed 2 of them and the most obvious ones. And as came up in my post Aguiar and Rossi are the 2 other ones. They are not as clearcut but I took no chances on either.

Aguiar is that auxiliary bishop if Lisbon who suprisingly isn't made the new patriarch of Lisbon now. He became (in)famous for his remarks about World Youth Day and not trying to convert people to Catholicism. It seems that his comments in context and the riginal Portuguese weren't as bad but still questionable. Basically he seems to have said there was no active attempt to convert non-Catholics, who were welcome and respected, while Catholics were encouraged to witness their faith. His youth centered remarks since being announced a cardinal and his defense of his words fit the moderate impression I got from him. PillarCatholic described him as a protegee of the patriarch who is retiring who is apparently centre-right.

Rossi is an Argentinian Archbishop and a Jesuit. Enough said. Though nothing radical about him has come to my knowledge. He works with drug addicts in the slums. He might be a good man, but I do suspect he'd sooner vote for Tagle (one of the few at this point).

So there are the 4 ones I counted as bad. 4 out of 18.

Yes, I am from the Netherlands. It's indeed quite sad with Bishop Smeets. He was a rather good bishop, ironically appointed by Francis in 2018. Thankfully another bishop who has cancer, the ultra-Conservative lion Bishop Liesen, was expected to die soon, yet he seems to be making a surprise recovery. Like Cardinal Burke who miraculously survived covid when he was on the brink of death.

Your sympathy for the bishop is admirable. I pray for him daily.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@John Fritz Logan Hi!! John!!! how are you???? really long time no see.....I learning a lot to your great opinion.... even though we don't have talking...but I always thinking our great memories..and our great talk...really hope Lord always protect to you and all your family, lovely people...I am doing well....really hope Bergoglio can't make any new Cardinals..anymore....I think some people are …More
@John Fritz Logan Hi!! John!!! how are you???? really long time no see.....I learning a lot to your great opinion.... even though we don't have talking...but I always thinking our great memories..and our great talk...really hope Lord always protect to you and all your family, lovely people...I am doing well....really hope Bergoglio can't make any new Cardinals..anymore....I think some people are not bad....but so wrong Cardinals have huge power..like Farrell..Cupich, Tobin, McElory....and Fernandez....it's means so horrible....and maybe you heard...next WYD will start in Seoul Korea...but I am not happy....Bergoglio destroying to WYD too...much worst and worst....2027 years..I think...this time..Holy Church will changing to another wrong new Religion....and much join to LGBT People...so I am not happy...and I told you before..now My Archbishop..Archbishop of Seoul..Peter Cheong is a wrong man..he allow to LGBT Ideologies....so much horrible....if Lord Allows....this time...we will get to Orthodox Pope...so he will make much better WYD..so will visit Seoul...it's nice...but this time..Bergoglio staying to Papacy....I can't explain my feeling..I am sure...you understand my feeling....we can see the Orthodox Pope?? real Pope?? I am not sure.....if, if Lord will send real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time....I preparing...will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's Prayer...even though I have many sins..so many fault..but really hope Loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ....Netherlands, Japan and Korean Martyrs...all great Martyrs Saints..pray for us too....much, much hope....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's prayer too...many talking sorry...Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!! have a great day....talk to someday!!! my great online friend, great Brother!!
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori do you think Bergoglio's health is not good?? I think we can't know..be cause Vatican hide to his health....just really hope fast time..this horrible man gone...and we will meet to real Pope, Orthodox Pope...Fast time....if, if we will see another Bergoglio, worst than Bergoglio....ah..I can't explain my feeling...it will be horrible....and Kenjiro...I can't forget to Bergoglio's …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori do you think Bergoglio's health is not good?? I think we can't know..be cause Vatican hide to his health....just really hope fast time..this horrible man gone...and we will meet to real Pope, Orthodox Pope...Fast time....if, if we will see another Bergoglio, worst than Bergoglio....ah..I can't explain my feeling...it will be horrible....and Kenjiro...I can't forget to Bergoglio's huge lie...maybe 7 years ago...2016 years....Bergoglio said...maybe 2019 years...I will retire..or gone....my papacy is no longer time..but now...he staying to Papacy....this horrible crazy old man had to lie....ah...so horrible....over 10 years..long time....I told you always.....if Lord dose not send to Orthodox Pope..fast time..I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's Prayer...even though I have many sins..so many fault..but really hope Loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ...Holland's Martyrs, Japan and Korean Martyrs...all great Martyrs Saints..pray for us too..many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!!
Bonnie Louise
For the Bishops with cancer, please consider fenbendazole and ivermectin. The man in the video had cancer everywhere, including the bones and his lungs. He made a miraculous recovery on the advice of a veterinarian. Edmond man says cheap drug for dogs cured his cancer