
Gänswein: I’m Looking For Work

Archbishop Georg Gänswein, 66, wants to help out in Freiburg Archdiocese: “I'm here now, I'm looking for work, so to speak,” he said at a book presentation on Thursday (Dpa.de). In conversation with the publisher Manuel Herder, the word "jobcenter" was used.

Picture: Georg Gänswein © Mazur, CC BY-SA, #newsClvwevfung

I wouldn't hitch my wagon to his train Francis might of got this one right
rumors of pictures of him and the other German 🤫
Bergoglio has "packed the court," so to speak, with his cardinal appointments. The next one will be just another antipope. What needs to happen is Divine Intervention, and we need to be praying our hearts out for that.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Then in that case, rather than just praying, action is needed. You don't just sit and pray when the house (Church) is burning to the ground. It is necessary for ALL Catholic traditionalist groups, SSPX, CMRI, other sedevacantist groups around the world to put away their stupid differences and bickering, and to re-build the Church from the ground up....and that might mean buying a huge piece of land …More
Then in that case, rather than just praying, action is needed. You don't just sit and pray when the house (Church) is burning to the ground. It is necessary for ALL Catholic traditionalist groups, SSPX, CMRI, other sedevacantist groups around the world to put away their stupid differences and bickering, and to re-build the Church from the ground up....and that might mean buying a huge piece of land, building a copy of Rome complete with Vatican and St. Peter's, and the bishops of these groups electing one of their number as a substitute Pope, who will appoint new, traditional substitute CArdinals......and this new foundation free of the corrupt, homo infested original Vatican and Rome, will exist as our remnant Church that we will look to for guidance unless/until true Rome and Vatican returns to professing the True Faith.
This nonsense of just sitting and praying is ridiculous. I'm sure thousands have been praying, but the situation is worse than ever. I believe in the power of prayer as well as anyone, but this time, its not enough.
The only way I would believe that just praying is the answer is if Pope Francis were suddenly be taken seriously ill and then die before the end of September when he is due to create his new batch of homo Cardinals and open his Synod. Then I would believe in the sole power of prayer.
But such a hopefull outcome is not likely at all.
I am insulted by your snarky comment and your dismissal of prayer as a weapon in this crisis. The Blessed Virgin told Sr. Lucia that there was NO problem so great that it could not be solved by praying the rosary. I am a lowly septuagenarian who has no power and no bully pulpit so what do you suggest I do other than pray? I agree that the trad circular firing squad should end and we should unite to …More
I am insulted by your snarky comment and your dismissal of prayer as a weapon in this crisis. The Blessed Virgin told Sr. Lucia that there was NO problem so great that it could not be solved by praying the rosary. I am a lowly septuagenarian who has no power and no bully pulpit so what do you suggest I do other than pray? I agree that the trad circular firing squad should end and we should unite to work for a solution. However, people like me are totally ignored; it is only leaders and media influencers that can effect practical working solutions, and just where are they? Bishops like Vigano and Strickland are the lone voices who are denigrated right along with the rest of us. The remaining bishops and cardinals are too cowardly to do anything; so afraid of losing their red hats or their mansions and cocktail parties with the other "elite." So until someone emerges as a REAL leader who inspires a major effort of reform, I'll continue storming heaven with my prayers for exactly that, thank you very much!
Jeffrey Ade
@Carolan Thank you for that! Have you read Desmond Birch's book, Trials Tribulations and Triumph? It seem the prophecies are pretty clear what we can expect. God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
When Bergoglio drops soon, the next hopefully GOOD Pope will make him a cardinal.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori you are 100% right!! Excellency Archbishop Gänswein must will get to Cardinal's hat....we really hope will see fast time....and I hope tell another things....Bergoglio fired....nuncio to Korea....Excellency Archbishop Xuereb....so in Korea...don't have Nuncio...and I see another funny situation....Nuncio to Korea...include about Mongolia's nuncio too....but Bergoglio fired to …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori you are 100% right!! Excellency Archbishop Gänswein must will get to Cardinal's hat....we really hope will see fast time....and I hope tell another things....Bergoglio fired....nuncio to Korea....Excellency Archbishop Xuereb....so in Korea...don't have Nuncio...and I see another funny situation....Nuncio to Korea...include about Mongolia's nuncio too....but Bergoglio fired to Archbishop Xuereb...so funny....be cause he will visit to Mongolia....I heard...Bergoglio hate to all about Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI.....Archbishop Xuereb was Benedict's Secretary..maybe so he fired to Xuereb.....we could not see this type...so much terrible...and I heard he changed to his Secretary too....10 years...this horrible Old man had 4 Secretary....so funny!! I saw Pope's secretary past time..almost 100 years...Holy Fathers have just one Secretary....10 years..4 Secretary??? it's means Bergoglio is a terrible man....he using to trick...he always saying about lies....Bergoglian include this trick...so terrible...many talking sorry..God bless always you and all your family, lovely people...talk to next time....my great online friend, brother..Kenjiro!!