
Francis Is Excusing Sin

Pope Francis’ interpretation of Amoris Laetitia is “creating more confusion” and constitutes “a serious problem”, states Father Gerald Murray, canon lawyer and New York priest. Talking to EWTNMore
Pope Francis’ interpretation of Amoris Laetitia is “creating more confusion” and constitutes “a serious problem”, states Father Gerald Murray, canon lawyer and New York priest.
Talking to EWTN Murray elaborated that Francis is trying to gain acceptance for his [wrong] belief that the previous discipline was "too harsh" and we have to go case by case. But Murray replies that “there is no case by case exception” highlighting the limits of Papal power since a Pope “cannot wake up and say there is a category of adultery that we no longer call adultery”.
According to Murray, it is not the Pope's task to help people to excuse sinful behaviour. Murray concedes however that, “this is where we are [at the moment].”
Go the Papal Posse!! These guys know what they are on about .........
"By the way, this whole notion that publication in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis means something is “magisterial” and/or that basically nothing is ecclesiastically important unless it appears in the AAS will not survive two minutes’ reflection."
Read more: canonlawblog.wordpress.com/…/some-remarks-on…More
"By the way, this whole notion that publication in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis means something is “magisterial” and/or that basically nothing is ecclesiastically important unless it appears in the AAS will not survive two minutes’ reflection."

Read more: canonlawblog.wordpress.com/…/some-remarks-on…
there is no mercy without truth ,and amoris laetitia regarding divorced ,having communion is not the truth ,even if a pope says it is ,Jesus is Truth , and He said a divorced person having sex with another is adultery
Great fortitude. Thank you Father Murray and resistance!