The Consecration Of Russia To The Immaculate Heart Of Mary. Classic Catholic Audiobooks on Jan 8, 2019 On the 13th of July 1917, Our Lady of Fatima asked for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate …More
The Consecration Of Russia To The Immaculate Heart Of Mary.
Classic Catholic Audiobooks on Jan 8, 2019 On the 13th of July 1917, Our Lady of Fatima asked for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. Our Lady told Sr. Lucia: “The moment has come when God asks the Holy Father to consecrate Russia in union with all the bishops of the world to my Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means.”
Yes, it must be done but only Benedict can do it, not an antipope.
An eyewitness in the diplomatic corps to the meeting between Putin and Antipope Francis relates that Putin brought up the consecration, and the Antipope brucshed him off saying, "We cannot talk of Fatima!" Related by Fr. Paul Kramer who was in Rome at the time.
"Rejoice O virgin Mary, alone thou hast destroyed all heresies throughout …More
Yes, it must be done but only Benedict can do it, not an antipope.

An eyewitness in the diplomatic corps to the meeting between Putin and Antipope Francis relates that Putin brought up the consecration, and the Antipope brucshed him off saying, "We cannot talk of Fatima!" Related by Fr. Paul Kramer who was in Rome at the time.

"Rejoice O virgin Mary, alone thou hast destroyed all heresies throughout the world!"
@Irapuato La consécration de la Russie au coeur immaculé de Marie a été réalisée par le Saint Père Jean-Paul II en 1984, en union avec tous les évêques du monde entier, comme demandé à Fatima en 1917, d'où l'effondrement du communisme en Russie et en Europe de l'Est. Saint Jean-Paul II, priez pour nous !
👍 C'est vrai... 🙏 🙏 🙏 Merci... 🤗
Thierry you are wrong. Russia has not been consecrated. Has Russia converted? To what? Schismatic orthodoxy? Has communism collapsed? Not even close. It just changed it's outfit. Where is the period of peace promised? Is rampant glorification of sodomy part of the plan? Is a resurgent and aggressive islam also part of the great bounty of peace we were promised? Is Our Lady a liar? You are fooling …More
Thierry you are wrong. Russia has not been consecrated. Has Russia converted? To what? Schismatic orthodoxy? Has communism collapsed? Not even close. It just changed it's outfit. Where is the period of peace promised? Is rampant glorification of sodomy part of the plan? Is a resurgent and aggressive islam also part of the great bounty of peace we were promised? Is Our Lady a liar? You are fooling yourself.

Your hero JPII IGNORED the Mother of God. He did not obey her instructions (and neither did his predecessors). Totus tuus my foot.

The deterioration will continue until the consecration is done. You can't get away with ignoring the Mother of God, and thereby her Son.