Archbishop Viganò confirms he will not attend Vatican ‘schism’ trial

'I therefore wish to make it clear that I did not go to the Vatican yesterday, and that I have no intention of going to the Holy Office on June 28, and that I have not delivered any statement or document …More
'I therefore wish to make it clear that I did not go to the Vatican yesterday, and that I have no intention of going to the Holy Office on June 28, and that I have not delivered any statement or document in my defense to the Dicastery, whose authority I do not recognize,' Viganò wrote.
The reports spread by certain media outlets, stating that I presented myself yesterday, Thursday, June 20, at the Palace of the Holy Office, as intimated to me by the Decree of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, is devoid of any foundation. These reports are completely false.
The Jesuit magazine America, the media arm of the Society of Jesus in the United States and the megaphone of the “church of mercy” of the Jesuit Bergoglio, has rushed ahead, while Vatican News was still totally unaware of the Decree sent to me on June 11, only by a simple email, without respecting those formalities necessary for the validity of the communication of a Decree, and which I myself published on X two hours …More
Carol H
If "Bergoglio's "church" is not the Catholic Church", then where is the Catholic Church?
Ivan Tomas
May God comfort you. I know moreover that not only this thing saddens you, but also the fact that while others have obtained the churches by violence, you are meanwhile cast out from your places. For they hold the places, but you the Apostolic Faith. They are, it is true, in the places, but outside of the true Faith; while you are outside the places indeed, but the Faith, within you. Let us consider …More
May God comfort you. I know moreover that not only this thing saddens you, but also the fact that while others have obtained the churches by violence, you are meanwhile cast out from your places. For they hold the places, but you the Apostolic Faith. They are, it is true, in the places, but outside of the true Faith; while you are outside the places indeed, but the Faith, within you. Let us consider whether is the greater, the place or the Faith. Clearly the true Faith. Who then has lost more, or who possesses more? He who holds the place, or he who holds the Faith?...
... For if ever God shall give back the churches (for we think He will) yet without such restoration of the churches the Faith is sufficient for us. And lest, speaking without the Scriptures, I should [seem to] speak too strongly, it is well to bring you to the testimony of Scriptures, for recollect that the Temple indeed was at Jerusalem; the Temple was not deserted, aliens had invaded it, whence also the Temple being at Jerusalem, those exiles went down to Babylon by the judgment of God, who was proving, or rather correcting them; while manifesting to them in their ignorance punishment [by means] of blood-thirsty enemies. And aliens indeed had held the Place, but knew not the Lord of the Place, while in that He neither gave answer nor spoke, they were deserted by the truth. What profit then is the Place to them? - St. Athanasius the Great
@Carol H. In transition - awaiting the valid election of a successor to Benedict XVI.
A good friend expresses it another way " UP THE CREEK WITHOUT A PADDLE"
Carol H
Ivan Tomas: I love St. Athanasius -our son is named after him. But, sadly you have used him out of context: In writing to Catholics upset because Arian heretics had been placed in control of the Church in the Eastern Empire, Saint Athanasius wrote the above statement. He was not suggesting that the Pope was not the Pope. He was not attacking or calling into question the core principal of authority …More
Ivan Tomas: I love St. Athanasius -our son is named after him. But, sadly you have used him out of context: In writing to Catholics upset because Arian heretics had been placed in control of the Church in the Eastern Empire, Saint Athanasius wrote the above statement. He was not suggesting that the Pope was not the Pope. He was not attacking or calling into question the core principal of authority. He was simply stating that while the heretic priests and bishops may have control of their physical churches at the time, it was the faithful - who had been kicked out of their churches for refusing the Arian heresy - that held the Apostolic Faith. This cannot be applied to sedevacantists who fundamentally deny the APOSTOLIC faith - which is the ecclesiology of communion with that which has always been. The law of the Church is clear. It has never changed. A subject of the Catholic realm cannot declare against ( pass judgment upon) the Holy Father. To do so is to step outside of the Apostolic faith into the land of private judgment and division like LiveJohn has done. "The Church is in Transition" so pontificates (yet another wanna be) Pope LiveJohn the Blocker.
There is a very good reason for blocking anyone: it's known as 'Offensive Behaviour' GET MY DRIFT?
Carol H
I hardly call a bit of light hearted banter "Offensive Behavior" - in bold font and capitals no less. Also I'm in shock. My mouse swiped over your name as I went to reply and the Australian flag came up. You can't be an Aussie! No true blue could be that sensitive 😎
@Carol H stop being childish. Disagree as you will, until the cows come home - beyond that, personal insults are a no-go area or expect to be blocked.
Carol H
Look I could tell you that my cat had kittens and you'd block me. It's a reflection of you sitting there blocking your ears to any alternative view. Well for most of us here, we have a paddle - it's called Christ's promise: that the Church would stay the course; that the storm will pass. Your views have NO precedent in the Church's tradition or law. They are made-up. Your imaginary - and reactionaryMore
Look I could tell you that my cat had kittens and you'd block me. It's a reflection of you sitting there blocking your ears to any alternative view. Well for most of us here, we have a paddle - it's called Christ's promise: that the Church would stay the course; that the storm will pass. Your views have NO precedent in the Church's tradition or law. They are made-up. Your imaginary - and reactionary - opinion. And the same can be said of all sede-vacantists. Your views are akin to heresy: they lead the faithful out of the Church into no-mans-land where everyone can make up their own minds about what they want to be true or not.
OFF-TOPIC and unrelated to the subject matter. I have no interest in pussy cats nor am I a Sedevacantist as you claim.
Pax Vobiscum.
Where is Fr Mario Rupnick now.
@CatMuse. Probably on the road to a place where he really doesn't want to go.
Sean Johnson
Vigano, Lazo, Lefebvre, Williamson are all cut from the same cloth, inasmuch as they reject V2. But the SSPX prefers Hounder, who does not reject V2? “Houston, we’ve got a problem!”
All Saints
I reject Vaticon ll. And all it’s works and pomps.